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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Add "Checked" in Input Attributes

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  • Zheng Liao

    hello, is there a way to add “Checked” attributes to the Input when it is selected, and remove “Checked” when it is unselected?


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Zheng,

    I believe your browser already does this by default?


    Zheng Liao

    hello Ross,

    just when I use firebug, I cannot see checked=”checked” within the <input> tag?

    I wrote a piece of JQuery code to change the default style as below, but it doesn’t add checked=”checked” to <input> and “checkedbox” class to <span> either as it is supposed to, do you have any idea why?

    my code:
    $(‘input:checkbox’).hide().each(function() {
    $(this).attr(‘data-check-fx’, this.value);
    var label = $(“label[for=” + ‘”‘ + + ‘”‘ + “]”).text();
    $(‘‘+'<span class=”checkbox’ + (this.checked ? ‘ checkbox-checked’ : ”) + ‘”></span>‘).insertAfter(this);

    $(‘sf-field-tag label’).on(‘click’, function(e) {
    if($(this).find(‘input:checkbox’).is(‘:checked’)) return;
    var unique = $(this).find(‘a.check-fx’).attr(‘data-check-fx’);
    $(“sf-field-tag label a[data-check-fx='”+unique+”‘] span”).attr(‘class’,’checkbox’);
    $(“sf-field-tag label input:checkbox[data-check-fx='”+unique+”‘]”).attr(‘checked’,false);
    }).on(‘keydown’, function(e) {
    if ((e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which) == 32) {


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Emma

    I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve?

    If you take a look here:

    And use firebug to inspect the checkbox, and then tick/untick the box, you won’t see a “checked” attribute being applied.

    If you are using jQuery I believe the correct way to detect if its checked is by using .prop("checked") instead of .attr("checked").


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