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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Add accordion functionality to menu

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  • Meredith

    Great plugin, works wonderfully. I wonder how I could add an “accordion function” to my custom taxonomy checkbox. The checkbox is a long list (12-15) of colors and I want to shorten it up a bit by using an accordion so that when a user clicks on a plus sign it expands/collapses. Any suggestions?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there

    There is no supported way – but if you know html/css/js you could implement this yourself.

    I would try the jQuery accordian – and the search form is just an unordered list – I did a quick google:

    I’m sure you’d have to tinker with the settings but it is definitely possible to get it working.

    As an alternative to checkboxes, have you tried setting the input type to mutliselect and then ticking the combobox option? It may or may not be what you need but it does allow mutliple selection and searching.



    Yes, the multiselect with combobox option looks great and is similar to what I was thinking. Thanks so much for the prompt reply!

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