Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro ACF, Woocommerce, Beaver Builder Layout

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  • Anonymous


    I am using ACF, woocommerce and Beaver Builder to display and filter courses.

    As you can see on this page:

    If you click on the course name or class name fields ALL ITEMS are not displaying.
    Here is a screenshot of the Search Filter settings:

    Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this?

    2. Search results display –
    I want to display the search results in a grid with the class named and class dates and a READ MORE link.
    How can I do this with the Beaver Builder post module?
    On the search page – I have 2 modules – to show you what I am trying to do:
    One is using the search results shortcode and the other is a standard Beaver Builder post module.

    Thanks in advance.


    Thanks so much for the quick response Trevor!

    Here is the correct link to the page with the search and filter shortcode:

    Very nice plugin BTW.

    If you look at the field called SELECT SESSION, or SUBJECT AREA – you’ll see the list of ACF custom field choices I created.

    But on the COURSE NAME, CAMPUS LOCATION fields – these are not showing the ACF field choices….How can I fix this?



    Note a ‘gotcha’ with ACF ….

    … it makes 3 meta keys per field, like this:

    #1 _location
    #2 field_5a16902ae5c07
    #3 location

    You need to use key #3, without the underscore at the start of the key name. If you choose #1 by mistake, in the field choices you will see the name of #2.


    That did the trick…thank you so much!

    All working now – I set the display results to redirect to the product archive and then created a new template for that page. It works great.

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