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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro ACF Relationship Field: display title instead of ID

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  • Erin Kodama


    I saw a couple threads on this… but couldn’t get it to work. I’ve added a filter that’s using an ACF Relationship field. It’s outputting the ID’s vs the titles.

    Is this still the correct code to use (I’m using ver 2.2.0)

    I dropped that into functions.php and changed the fieldname, but it still displays the id’s.

    Am I missing something?



    Trevor Moderator

    Within a very short time (hours we hope), we will release an update to Search & Filter. It will extend support for ACF relationship fields.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ross sent me a message very late last night (actually gone 3AM his time 🙁 ) saying that it was ‘ready’, so he will give it a test run and probably push it for release around midday EST (my guess).

    Erin Kodama

    That’s fantastic news, thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    The testers are reporting a few error messages, so we need to fix those first. Soon.

    Joel Eade

    Following 🙂

    Erin Kodama

    Any news on the new release? My clients are patiently waiting for this feature before we deploy their new site but if it’s weeks out, I can probably just have them hold off for now. Any info on ETA would be really helpful.

    Thanks so much guys!!

    Trevor Moderator
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    Erin Kodama
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    Trevor Moderator
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