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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro ACF Date – events search range

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  • Tom

    Hi there,

    Struggling to find a solution for this one…

    Essentially we’re using S&F Pro to drive part of an events listing section of our site – the event date being an ACF field.

    I’d like to be able to do two things…

    1. Allow the user to search between upcoming (future) events and past events – ideally with a radio toggle, so comparing today’s date versus the ACF field data value…

    2. Use the meta value to both query AND order the search results, so we can build a list of upcoming events (i.e. date ahead of today) but then order these by the reverse, i.e. the closest to today comes first…

    Is this possible? Appreciate there’s the post_meta options and ability to pass parameters to the URLs, but hoping for a steer in the right direction!


    Trevor Moderator
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