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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Accessing to Heading value


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  • Anthony THIBAULT

    is there a way to access to the Heading Value of a field ?
    [‘fields_assoc’][TAX][‘Heading] ?
    Thanks ! 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    What do you need to do with it? That may help me find a method for you.

    Anthony THIBAULT

    I have integrated a list of active filters and I would like to introduce them with the same title as in the search list.
    In other words, for a filter on the taxonomy “places”, “whose label “singular_name” must remain “Place”, I have created a field whose heading is “Place of birth”.
    When the user chooses, for example, “Paris” as “Place of birth”, I add at the top of the results list “Place of birth: Paris”.
    I have seen solutions using get_fields_html or get_array, but both methods use the singular_name of the taxonomy and not the heading of the field.
    I hope I’m clear 🙂

    Trevor Moderator

    I do see, and I do not think you could fetch it, but, in any case, the label ‘Place of Birth: ‘ would be a text string coded by you, so it would be as you need.

    Did you understand how to add the ‘breadcrumbs’ of the search as a title. This thread from earlier today (I think) was asking the same question, so the answer should be much the same, as in, with the code examples you are fetching only the ‘Paris’ term, and your code must print the label manually):

    I hope that I understood your need.

    Please note that we are now closed for the weekend and any replies may be delayed until we open at 10AM (UK time) on Monday (I will try to reply before then).

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