Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Accessing returned data


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  • Anonymous

    Is there a way of accessing the chunk of markup / data that is returned after sf:ajaxfinish has been run.

    I basically need to add a load of classes to all the woocommerce product items that get ajax loaded in.



    You can use a JavaScript like this:

    <script>(function ( $ ) {
      "use strict";
      $(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
        // load any js you need to run here

    In the current version, editing, or adding to, the HTML markup of the form is not possible other than by using custom JavaScript. In V3 this will become possible.


    Sorry, what I mean is that I need to access the chunk of data or the jquery object that gets inserted into the ajax loading area.

    Basically are there any extra parameters that I can add to the sf:ajaxfinish event that will let me access the returned chunk of markup?


    I am sorry, but there is not. At this time you can only access the labels and values/options of the form fields, but not the HTML containers.

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