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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro access search data

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    I’m using a ACF meta date to filter my Custom post types, it works.

    So I have 2 questions please 🙂

    1. Is it possible to access it in the search datas when i have finished a search ? (like Field Name etc ? )
    2. If i manage to do it, do you have a given function to cancel this filter ( in the form and URL ) and then reload the results ( ajax mode )

    Thank You

    Trevor Moderator

    1. Yes, using PHP. If your results are being output by a page builder or grid plugin, this is not possible. Similarly, themes that are using frameworks, instead of traditional templates, you would need to use our Shortcode results method, which uses a PHP template.
    2. Only with very complex JavaScript, which even I would not attempt to craft.

    For #1, this post explains a bit for you. Note, the code would have to go INSIDE the Ajax Container in the PHP template:


    Ok thank you Trevor for the #1 solution post related, i will look at it.

    For the #2, If a understanfd the extension doesn’t provide yet a function to clear a given filter in the datas returned ?
    In front-end, I mean the possibility to show selected filters with close icon to clear that particular filter …

    Trevor Moderator

    That is correct, yes.


    ok thank you

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