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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro 2.0 Upgrade not working despite following all guidelines

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  • Trista Dedmon

    Hi guys,

    I’ve tried twice to upgrade to the latest 2.0 release of Search and Filter Pro, but find it not working afterwards. I’ve tried all the suggestions from the release statement.

    I’ve backed up the site completely.
    There are no other search forms besides the one.
    I tried recreating the form, still does not work.
    I have rebuilt the cache for the form. I do get what could be an error message while the cache is rebuilding that says “Running background processes failed in this environment.” Is this normal?

    Please advise anything else I can try at this point to make it work, really would love to update it!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Trista

    Without seeing S&F 2.0 in action, I’m not sure I can help with the bugs you mention (I have no idea where to start) :/

    Do you have a dev envrionment where you are testing the upgrade?

    Also, when did you last try to upgrade? 2.0.2 was released a couple of days ago which contains a bunch of bug fixes.


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