Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro 全ての項目を表示

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  • Anonymous




    This is a new question.

    For example:
    ・ 10 items can be selected in the custom field
    ・ 6 items are selected
    Is it possible to display the remaining 4 items that are not selected? In other
    words, (0) I want to display all items including items.

    Please reply.


    If I understand your question, you have made one (or more) selections in a form filter (field) and this has resulted in 6 out of 10 items being displayed. But 4 are not displayed?

    Are they not displayed because they do not have the choices set?

    I do not understand why you would make some choices, and show the correct 6 items, and then also want thos that are not displayed?

    Surely that is the same as making no choices?

    Or, do you want them displayed separately, so, here are the six matching items, and here are four that do not match?

    I am confused, sorry.

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