AuthorSearch Results
June 25, 2019 at 7:00 pm #214935
In reply to: Customize Value Postfix
TrevorParticipantSpotted another errod, sorry.
function add_miles_to_filter_labels($input_object, 2116) { if($input_object['name']!='_sfm_distance[]') { return $input_object; } foreach($input_object['options'] as $option) { $option->label .= " miles"; } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'add_miles_to_filter_labels', 10, 2);
June 25, 2019 at 6:36 pm #214927In reply to: Customize Value Postfix
TrevorParticipantIt shouldn’t have the dollar symbol, no.
I can see an error also, so try this:
function add_miles_to_filter_labels($input_object, 2116) { if(($input_object['name']!='_sfm_distance[]') { return $input_object; } foreach($input_object['options'] as $option) { $option->label .= " miles"; } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'add_miles_to_filter_labels', 10, 2);
June 25, 2019 at 6:18 pm #214925In reply to: Customize Value Postfix
AnonymousInactiveok this is what I have so far:
function add_miles_to_filter_labels($input_object, $2116) { if(($input_object['name']!='_sfm_distance[]') { return $input_object; } foreach($input_object['options'] as $option) } $option->label .= " miles"; } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'add_miles_to_filter_labels', 10, 2);
I’ve tried with and without the $ sign in front of the id, but I still get a parse error on the site.
June 25, 2019 at 5:16 pm #214907In reply to: Customize Value Postfix
TrevorParticipantI would imagine the PHP would be something like:
function add_miles_to_filter_labels($input_object, $sfid) { if(($input_object['name']!='_sfm_colours') { return $input_object; } foreach($input_object['options'] as $option) } $option->label .= " miles"; } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'add_miles_to_filter_labels', 10, 2);
where you change $sfid to the actual ID of the form AND
where you change the string/name_sfm_colours
to whatever thedata_sf_field_name
actually is, for example, see here:June 24, 2019 at 3:27 pm #214759In reply to: using string to translate text in within filter
AnonymousInactiveHello to update this I have now got the the code working correctly. Here shows 2 text replacement one after the other.
function my_plugin_search_filter_change_label($input_object, $sfid) { if ($sfid == 845 && $input_object['name'] == '_sft_category') { foreach ($input_object['options'] as $key => $option) { if ($option->label == 'All Categories') { $input_object['options'][$key]->label = 'Toutes Catégories'; } } foreach ($input_object['options'] as $key => $option) { if ($option->label == 'Accessories and Cables') { $input_object['options'][$key]->label = 'Accessoires et Câbles'; } } } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'my_plugin_search_filter_change_label', 10, 2);
June 19, 2019 at 3:26 pm #214482In reply to: using string to translate text in within filter
AnonymousInactiveI have tried it in the functions.php but I cant seem to get it to change word ‘Brochures’ to ‘Test’
This is the code I have used am I missing something?
<?php function my_plugin_search_filter_change_label($input_object, $sfid) { if ($sfid == 845 && $input_object['name'] == '_sft_file_type[]') { foreach ($input_object['options'] as $key => $option) { if ($option->label == 'Brochures') { $input_object['options'][$key]->label = 'Test'; } } } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'my_plugin_search_filter_change_label', 10, 2); ?>
June 19, 2019 at 12:33 pm #214457In reply to: using string to translate text in within filter
AnonymousInactiveI have found this however it as sfid ==12345 what do you use to replace 12345? Would this be a more correct snippet.
function my_plugin_search_filter_change_label($input_object, $sfid) { if ($sfid == 12345 && $input_object['name'] == '_sf_post_type') { foreach ($input_object['options'] as $key => $option) { if ($option->label == 'Media') { $input_object['options'][$key]->label = 'Photos'; } } } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'my_plugin_search_filter_change_label', 10, 2);
June 19, 2019 at 9:56 am #214427In reply to: using string to translate text in within filter
AnonymousInactiveI am trying this code from the documentation you supplied. However it just removes all the options.
How can I use this correctly?<?php function filter_input_object($input_object, $sfid) { foreach($input_object['options'] as $option) { if($option->value=="brochures") {//the option with no value is always the "all items" or unselected state $option->label = "Brochures"; } else if($option->value=="brochures") {//we want to change the label for the option "black" - we can feed back in the count number to the label for this field type $option->label = "test (".$option->count.")"; } } } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'filter_input_object', 10, 2); ?>
March 28, 2019 at 3:46 pm #206792In reply to: Dropdown 'author' taxonomy showing empty options
AnonymousInactiveTrevor, you are awesome! Thanks for troubleshooting again. Would not have arrived at this on my own.
FINAL code:
function filter_function_name($input_object, $sfid) { if ($input_object['name'] == '_sft_author') { global $coauthors_plus; foreach($input_object['options'] as $key => $option) { if($option->value=="") { $option->label = "Search by Author"; } else { $user = $coauthors_plus->get_coauthor_by( 'user_nicename', $option->value ); if ($user->display_name=='') { unset($input_object['options'][$key]); } else { $input_object['options'][$key]->label = $user->display_name . ' (' . $option->count . ')'; } } } } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'filter_function_name', 10, 2);
March 27, 2019 at 3:24 pm #206571
AnonymousInactiveFINAL code:
Okay, so the code required included that original bit. Here is the final code in the inc/template-tags.php file:
if ( ! function_exists( 'visual_posted_on' ) ) : /** * Integrate Co-Authors Plus with TwentyTen by replacing twentyten_posted_on() with this function */ function visual_posted_on() { if ( function_exists( 'coauthors_posts_links' ) ) : printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Posted on</span> %2$s <span class="meta-sep">by</span> %3$s', 'twentyten' ), 'meta-prep meta-prep-author', sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">%3$s</span></a>', get_permalink(), esc_attr( get_the_time() ), get_the_date() ), coauthors_posts_links( null, null, null, null, false ) ); else: printf( __( '<span class="%1$s">Posted on</span> %2$s <span class="meta-sep">by</span> %3$s', 'twentyten' ), 'meta-prep meta-prep-author', sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><span class="entry-date">%3$s</span></a>', get_permalink(), esc_attr( get_the_time() ), get_the_date() ), sprintf( '<span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="%1$s" title="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ), esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'View all posts by %s', 'twentyten' ), get_the_author() ) ), get_the_author() ) ); endif; } endif; function filter_function_name($input_object, $sfid) { if ($input_object['name'] == '_sft_author') { global $coauthors_plus; foreach($input_object['options'] as $key => $option) { if($option->value=="") { $option->label = "Search by Author"; } else { $user = $coauthors_plus->get_coauthor_by( 'user_nicename', $option->value ); $input_object['options'][$key]->label = $user->display_name . ' (' . $option->count . ')'; } } } return $input_object; } add_filter('sf_input_object_pre', 'filter_function_name', 10, 2);
Also, added Relevanssi plugin per your guidance and enabled it within SF Pro search form > Advanced settings.
Really appreciate your continued support on this issue! Glad to have it resolved now.
AuthorSearch Results