Have an issue trying to extract post types via $postTypes1 = $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(array(“_sf_s”, “_sft_access_level”, “post_type”,”_sft_topic”));
echo $postTypes1;
only returns
Access Levels: All Access Levels (ie: _sft_access_level)
Topics: All Topics (ie: _sft_topic)
but no post types aka Data Type.
You can see the page results here:

The debug structure of the query which clearly shows them here:
Please see image link 

Is this a bug with get_fields_html?
If the Data Types are checked as filters it’s possible to retrieve them but that is different from retrieving the associated post types via get fields.
$postTypes1 = $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(array("_sf_s", "_sft_access_level", "post_type","_sft_topic"));
echo $postTypes1;
//echo $sf_current_query->is_filtered();
$postTypesAll = $sf_current_query->get_array();
$postTypes = array_column($postTypesAll, 'active_terms');
$newArray = array();
foreach ($postTypes as $entry) {
$names = array_column($entry, 'name');
$dataTypes = "<br>Data Types: ";
$breakChars = ", ";
//echo $dataTypes;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($names); $i++) {
$nameCompare = strcmp($names[$i], "Posts");
if ($nameCompare == 0) {
$names[$i] = 'Articles';
//echo $names[$i];
if ($i < count($names) - 1) {
echo $breakChars;
Thanks this code is doing the job for me:
global $searchandfilter;
$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(3301)->current_query()->get_array();
foreach ($sf_current_query as $key => $value) {
$type = $value['type'];
$valuei = $value['active_terms'][0]['value'];
$valuei1 = $value['active_terms'][1]['value'];
$name = $value['active_terms'][0]['name'];
$name1 = $value['active_terms'][1]['name'];
if ($key == '_sft_category') {
if ($name1 == NULL) {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo $name;
echo '</button>';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo $name;
echo '</button>';
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo $name1;
echo '</button>';
if ($key == '_sft_materiaalsoorten') {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo $name;
echo '</button>';
if ($key == '_sfm_prijsklasse') {
if ($valuei == 0) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo 'Prijsklasse: ';
echo $name;
echo ' vanaf';
echo '</button>';
if ($valuei1 == 50000) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo 'Prijsklasse: ';
echo $name1;
echo ' tot';
echo '</button>';
if ($key == '_sfm_vrije_valhoogte') {
if ($valuei == 0) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo 'Valhoogte: ';
echo $name;
echo ' vanaf';
echo '</button>';
if ($valuei1 == 300) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo 'Valhoogte: ';
echo $name1;
echo ' tot';
echo '</button>';
if ($key == '_sfm_beschikbare_obstakelvrije_ruimte') {
if ($valuei == 0) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo 'Beschikbare obstakelvrije ruimte: ';
echo $name;
echo ' vanaf';
echo '</button>';
if ($valuei1 == 350) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo 'Beschikbare obstakelvrije ruimte: ';
echo $name1;
echo ' tot';
echo '</button>';
if ($key == '_sfm_leeftijdsindicatie_van') {
if ($valuei == 0) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo 'Leeftijdsindicatie: vanaf ';
echo $name;
echo '</button>';
if ($valuei1 == 20) {
echo '';
} else {
echo '<button id="'.$key.'" class="but'.$type.'">';
echo 'Leeftijdsindicatie: tot ';
echo $name1;
echo '</button>';
But what now? How can I make it when somebody clicks on a button the filter turns off?
Thanks Trevor. I’m pretty new to PHP so I hope you dont mind me asking questions.
I got this code:
global $searchandfilter;
$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(3301)->current_query()->get_array();
foreach($sf_current_query as $key) {
$type = $key['type'];
$name = $key['active_terms'][0]['name'];
$name1 = $key['active_terms'][1]['name'];
echo '<button class="' . $type . '">';
echo $name;
if ($name1 == NULL) {
} else {
echo ' - ';
echo $name1;
echo '</button>';
I want the id of the button to be the array name.
Like: <button id="_sfm_prijsklasse" class="post_meta">
<button id="_sft_category" class="taxonomy">
How can I do this?
Unfortunately that’s a no-go. The complete code I put in (using your good chunk there) looked like:
<?php global $searchandfilter;
$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(15)->current_query()->get_array();
echo '<strong>Filtered by:</strong>';
if ( is_empty($sf_current_query ) ) {
echo "all";
} else {
foreach($sf_current_query as $key) {
echo ' • ' . $key['active_terms'][0]['name'] . ' ';
Am I missing something above if? Feels like that’s maybe where I’m off?
(The page does not display anything – no sidebar, no search form, so as-is above it pretty broken – did I close off the function properly?)
For clarity, this is what I used:
global $searchandfilter;
$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(339)->current_query()->get_array();
foreach($sf_current_query as $key) {
echo '<div>' . $key['active_terms'][0]['name'] . '</div>';
ok, great help over skype Trevor – exactly what i was after and pretty much all sorted – thanks!
for anyone interested
1. use pre and print r instead of var dump to get the bits you need:
$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(7050)->current_query();
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
2. I ended up with this in my page template to target the ACF meta name chosen in the S&F query – i also ended up trying to cope with the All values parts being sent if no specific options are selected (i hide all items selection in front end):
global $searchandfilter;
$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(7050)->current_query()->get_array();
if ($sf_current_query['_sfm_comfort']['active_terms'][0]['name'] == ""){
echo 'no preference for comfort';
} else {
echo '$sf_current_query['_sfm_comfort']['active_terms'][0]['name'] . ' comfort';
Hi Trevor, got a little further with styling so thanks for that. One thing with accessing the search data so I can display what’s been searched for – i’ve looked at
but am not getting any output. I’m using ACF meta fields for all the search criteria so maybe I need to use something differently?
is the query string
i’m using this in the custom page template:
echo $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(
echo $sf_current_query->get_field_string(“_sfm_comfort”);
also doesn’t give any result.
the var dump gives:
array(3) { [“_sfm_comfort”]=> array(5) { [“name”]=> string(0) “” [“singular_name”]=> string(0) “” [“all_items_label”]=> string(0) “” [“type”]=> string(9) “post_meta” [“active_terms”]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [“name”]=> string(6) “Medium” [“value”]=> string(6) “medium” } } } [“_sfm_value_judgement”]=> array(5) { [“name”]=> string(0) “” [“singular_name”]=> string(0) “” [“all_items_label”]=> string(0) “” [“type”]=> string(9) “post_meta” [“active_terms”]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [“name”]=> string(12) “Best Quality” [“value”]=> string(11) “bestquality” } } } [“_sfm_state”]=> array(5) { [“name”]=> string(0) “” [“singular_name”]=> string(0) “” [“all_items_label”]=> string(0) “” [“type”]=> string(9) “post_meta” [“active_terms”]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { [“name”]=> string(2) “WA” [“value”]=> string(2) “wa” } } } }
help appreciated – cheers
Hi Trevor,
Thanks for the reply, I found the solution:
global $searchandfilter;
$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(1274)->current_query()->get_array();
foreach($sf_current_query as $key) {
echo '<span>' . $key['value'] . ' ' . $key['name'] . ' ' . $key['active_terms'][0]['name'] . ', </span>';
Yeah that works thanks.
How do I combine the $sf_current_query,true
$currentCat = $sf_current_query['_sft_project_category']['active_terms'][0]['id'];
Okay I’ve worked out how to obtain the ID and get the description but the ID has an extra 1 at the end of the string which I’ve had to strip off.
Can you see why it would have the extra one and how to avoid it?
<?php global $searchandfilter;
$sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(119)->current_query()->get_array();
$currentCat = $sf_current_query['_sft_project_category']['active_terms'][0]['id'];
$currentCatID = rtrim($currentCat,'1');
echo category_description( $currentCatID );