Currently I am displaying my results in a list format and want each item to link to its file URL, but it currently links to the file attachment page. I have spent a long time searching for solutions but nothing.
Here is the code I am working with in results.php:
<div class="results">
while ($query->have_posts())
<div class="thumbs">
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">• <?php the_title(); ?></a>
I am using this plugin to display media on my website. I have separate pages for photos and documents. I have the photos page working well and manipulated results.php to display thumbnails that link to attachment pages. These thumbnails are displayed in a grid.
I would like to have the documents page utilize a new template, a list rather than a grid. This can be done in the results.php file, however if I make any changes it happens in the photos page as well. Thank you!
What Display Results method are you using? If you are using the Shortcode method, then you need to follow the instructions on Customising the Results (about the file results.php) found on this page of the documentation:
If you are using as an archive or Post Type Archive, those strings are provided by your theme.
Sorry – getting incredibly frustrated as this plugin is taking twice as long to implement as expected. I’ve copied over the results.php folder to
and changes are also not being applied. This is my child theme.
OK. I see. Thank you for that.
Is the search working OK, but it is that the results don’t look right (appearance) and are missing some fields/data/media?
If so, this can be fixed. The first step is to follow these instructions for Customising the Results (making a copy of the template results.php file):
Then we will need to work together to get it to work. Skype would be easiest, if that is possible for you?
This seems to be the function to perform pagination:
It might need replacing with the pagination code that you might find in our example template (results.php) (in the templates folder of the plugin)?
Once you have moved a copy of the results.php to the theme folder, it is easy to remove the lines for tags and categories.
OK. Great progress made I hope you agree. The plugin that you were using, Media library assistant, seemed to be one of the issues. As soon as we changed that to the Enhanced Media Library the cache returned to normal speed and the categories and tags worked fine.
Now you are building the results.php to meet your needs, using the example page from the theme as a guide.
Did you read the documentation on the shortcodes method and the use of results.php in the theme folder?
Hi, you you have URL’s for what you have, and maybe a sample page how you would like it to look?
Did you make a custom results.php (as you show above) in your theme folder?
(I popped back in after more than few beers 🙂 )