At this time, I have been unable to find a way to attach our plugin to the grids made by that builder. The only page builders that we currently have working with our plugin are Visual Composer, the Divi Blog/Grid Module (Divi is a premium theme framework) and Ultimatum Theme (another premium theme framework – when using their version of Visual Composer, or their Custom Loop widget with or without their Wonder Loops page builder). Many paid themes include Visual Composer (but some modify VC to remove the VC Post Grid, so beware of this, as you would need that present) as well. Some keep it up-to-date to match the version that can be bought separately, some do not.
In the main, it is possible to use our Shortcode Display Results method instead and modify the results.php template to replicate what the SiteOrigin builder would produce. I was writing one such only yesterday.
Older and Newer posts text can be changed in two ways.
The first is to edit the results.php template. See here for how to make a copy and then you need to edit that:
Or, install this free plugin, which will allow you to make many more styling choices:
Then you should be using that method of coding I showed you, in your results.php file.
You would need to use some custom PHP code, which would have to be inside the results.php file you are using (see the customisation guide here). You should be able to find the appropriate code from either the WordPress Codex OR StackExchange.
To find the Category ID, you would also need some custom PHP, but this post/thread might help (with a few changes):
If you are using the shortcode method, follow these customization notes:
Instead of copying the results.php file, copy the results-infinite-scroll.php to the child theme sub-folder (search-filter) and rename that to results.php
I am trying to set up infinite scroll on a site search form results.
I followed all the necessary steps, however when I change the pagination type to ‘infinite scroll’ nothing is happening. Currently I’m using a custom template. If I remove it to use the default ones, nothing is happening either. If I put the pagination type back to ‘Normal’, the pagination works.
It seems like it’s not getting the right template (results-infinite-scroll.php); If I make a change to results.php template (adding custom class for example), I can see the change after refreshing, but it’s not working with the (results-infinite-scroll.php).
Hope you can help!
Yes, you can use get_field(). I have made many custom results.php templates for various ACF fields.
So, if the shortcode method works, and plugins do not change, it is the theme, or the template file.
You can considerably customize the results.php file. The documentation tells you how to copy the file from our plugin template folder, then you can edit it. I have placed examples of different ones in many threads here.
Using shortcodes it does work.
Doesn’t work when i use ‘custom’ or ‘archive’ for the results page.
I guess it means I have to customize the /templates/results.php file in the plugin.
Can I override this in my theme maybe?
If you are working with the Shortcode Display results method, you can edit the results.php file. Change the_excerpt to the_content
The date part is easy to see in there.