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  • #151779


    One last thing (we might have tried this already). In the child theme folder is a folder called search-filter. In that is a file called results.php. Keeping a copy or the contents of that safe, what happens if you replace it with the default results.php file found in our plugin folder, in the templates sub-folder?



    I am using custom template in my theme folder as suggested in documentation (results.php) and using <table><th><td> to make the list appear in tabular format..
    I am using <th> as my headers and i want to make them sortable.. Instead of using the default dropdown select box or radio buttons on the search form..
    How can i make my table header sortable ? Please help..




    It isn’t using a default results.php file right now? It still looks like the first time I saw it.



    How odd. When the cache had re-built, it no longer shows results.

    Can you rename the results.php file to a backup name and use the satndard results.php file to check that?



    I’m a beginner and I have successfully added some search fields that will filter what I want. Now I am trying to customize the look of it. I’ve read this part in the documents:

    “Customising the Results
    If you wish to customise the display of your results, you must override the default template that is being used by Search & Filter:

    Create a folder in your theme folder called search-filter.
    Copy the file wp-content\plugins\search-filter\templates\results.php from the templates folder in to the newly created folder in your theme – wp-content\themes\your-theme-name\search-filter\results.php”

    …but the issue is I don’t know how to do this. What theme folder? I can’t see a place where I can create a folder. And where is this file that I need to copy into it? Help! Thanks


    In reply to: Visual composer


    Using the shortcode option it uses the template results.php, is there a way to amend that to show a grid layout option? Thanks


    In reply to: ajax pagination


    yes the infinite scroll works great, thanks, but I’ve been unable to resolve the problem with the grid image sizes being all different on mobile, so probably wont be able to use the VC plugin method. I really wanted the search results to display on the same page as the search form but both options “vc plugin and shortcode” dont seem to work for me. when I tried the shortcode method the images took most of the page. I tried using the results.php grid display file I saw in one of the support posts but that didnt work either. Unfortunately I just dont have the time to learn php programming to get the search images to display correctly.




    The guide did not get written, I am sorry. Which Display results method are you using? For the Shortcode method, there is an exemplar results-infinite-scroll.php file in our plugin’s template folder. The contents of that file need to be used in either the custom results.php file you use or one numbered after the form, in a sub-folder of your child theme folder, as discussed here:

    The number to fetch each time is set by the General Results Per Page setting in the form.

    I think that code should answer your other questions as well.



    So unfortunately I’ve been forced to use the shortcode based results container, as the archive/template method left incorrect canonicals, active links, meta descriptions etc that were uneditable and just terrible for SEO.

    Anyway Im currently using your default template, although I plan to customise it. Despite Ajax being enabled the pagination still appears sometimes, and/or it copies the results count etc.

    Whats odd is the plugin seems to keep using results.php not results-infinite-scroll.php because of this I have overidden results.php with the original contents of results-infinite-scroll.php, but this obviously shouldnt be necessary. Doing this stopped the pagination from appearing randomly, but the count is still duplicated.

    I’ve tried specifying the results list and result container (.search-filter-results-list .search-filter-result-item) however this stops AJAX from operating completely.

    Am I missing something?



    The documentation about making a copy of the results.php file in your child theme folder is here:

Viewing 10 results - 591 through 600 (of 1,224 total)