Search Results
Topic: Sortable Header In Table
I am using custom template in my theme folder as suggested in documentation (results.php) and using <table><th><td> to make the list appear in tabular format..
I am using <th> as my headers and i want to make them sortable.. Instead of using the default dropdown select box or radio buttons on the search form..
How can i make my table header sortable ? Please help..Thanks,
Topic: Customizing search filters
I’m a beginner and I have successfully added some search fields that will filter what I want. Now I am trying to customize the look of it. I’ve read this part in the documents:
“Customising the Results
If you wish to customise the display of your results, you must override the default template that is being used by Search & Filter:Create a folder in your theme folder called search-filter.
Copy the file wp-content\plugins\search-filter\templates\results.php from the templates folder in to the newly created folder in your theme – wp-content\themes\your-theme-name\search-filter\results.php”…but the issue is I don’t know how to do this. What theme folder? I can’t see a place where I can create a folder. And where is this file that I need to copy into it? Help! Thanks
Topic: Shortcode Results Ajax
So unfortunately I’ve been forced to use the shortcode based results container, as the archive/template method left incorrect canonicals, active links, meta descriptions etc that were uneditable and just terrible for SEO.
Anyway Im currently using your default template, although I plan to customise it. Despite Ajax being enabled the pagination still appears sometimes, and/or it copies the results count etc.
Whats odd is the plugin seems to keep using results.php not results-infinite-scroll.php because of this I have overidden results.php with the original contents of results-infinite-scroll.php, but this obviously shouldnt be necessary. Doing this stopped the pagination from appearing randomly, but the count is still duplicated.
I’ve tried specifying the results list and result container (.search-filter-results-list .search-filter-result-item) however this stops AJAX from operating completely.
Am I missing something?