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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'filter style'

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  • #259839


    Ah. I guess it works, but I suspect it would not in ajax mode?

    If you have access to the PHP template file that is the one that outputs the while loop (inside the products container), you could add some PHP and use that to include some CSS to hide the reset button, like this:

    global $searchandfilter;
    $sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(1234)->current_query();
    if (!($sf_current_query->get_search_term()=="") { <?
    .woof_submit_search_form_container {display: none;}
    <?php } ?>

    Note: you would need to change the ID number, and it looks like you don’t have a search box, so this should work.

    BTW, I think you need to add style like this also (generally):

    .woof_redraw_zone {display: flex;}

    This will stop content from below bleeding on to the ‘menu/form’.


    In reply to: Sort by Post Rating



    [searchandfilter id="933" action="filter_next_query"]

    is not CSS, but a shortcode that triggers some PHP to link the form to the results (to cause it to filter).

    Are you saying that the forms still do not work, or that it is the display of the results (format/style) that is the issue?


    In reply to: Display Results

    Aram Baghdasaryan
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    Jack Clowes


    My website is built using elementor & woocomerce.

    I had my search and filter pro working fine until I installed Ele skin for elementor, which uses a template to style my product archive in woo-commerce. For the Ajax filter, I had previously targeted .elementor-widget-posts. I don’t know how to target this properly?

    I see someone else on the forum experienced the same issue but I cannot see the solution as it was marked private. ANy help would be greatly appreciated


    In reply to: Display Results

    Aram Baghdasaryan
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    Aram Baghdasaryan

    I try to install filter on my site by using Display Results – Custom. I try to do it like Filter Next Query Shortcode, as you say in documentation I write [searchandfilter id=”22″ action=”filter_next_query”][tourmaster_tour category=”” num-fetch=”6″ pagination=”page” tour-style=”grid” column-size=”3″ thumbnail-size=”full” tour-info=”duration-text, availability” excerpt-number=”20″ tour-rating=”enable” ] but it no work. Can you help me, or say how can I use it by other way.
    When I use “Using a Shortcode” it show results as posts archive and it not nice.
    If I use “As an Archive” and try to use content/archive-default.php file it work wrong.

    I want to show results as here

    Nikunj Vala
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    Nikunj Vala
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    This reply has been marked as private.

    This reply has been marked as private.
Viewing 10 results - 71 through 80 (of 654 total)