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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'filter style'

Viewing 4 results - 651 through 654 (of 654 total)
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  • #1485


    Hey Bernard

    Unfortunately this did not make the cut for todays update – right now you can’t customise what happens when loading (only content fades out) but I will be adding in JS events soon so you can detect when loading starts/stops so you can apply your own styles/loaders etc..

    Does this sound like something that would work?

    Then you would just do something like this in your themes JS file:

    $('.searchandfilter').on('beginajax', function(){
        //show custom loader
    $('.searchandfilter').on('endajax', function(){
        //hide custom loader

    Piotr Pierscionek

    i have got only last question – promise:

    this is my search form code-changed as you suggested:

    <div id=”search”>
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . “/searchform.php”); ?>

    <form class=”search” action=”; method=”get”>
    <input name=”s” type=”text” id=”search” size=”30″ onfocus=”if(this.value == ‘<?php _e(‘Szukaj produktu’, THEME_LANGUAGE_DOMAIN) ?>…’) { this.value = ”; }” onblur=”if(this.value == ”) { this.value = ‘<?php _e(‘Szukaj produktu’, THEME_LANGUAGE_DOMAIN) ?>…’; }” value=”<?php _e(‘Szukaj produktu’, THEME_LANGUAGE_DOMAIN) ?>…” >
    <input type=”submit” value=”Search” id=”searchsubmit” class=”hidden” />

    what should i change to display the list correctly (with the template you made)?



    Hey Piotr,

    You just need to find out what template you want.. and then enter the filename for this template in search & filter settings…

    Do you know which template is being used to display


    Neal Burns

    Hi Ross,

    I’ve been working a bit on the site, and I hope I didn’t overlap or undo any of your testing parameters.

    I really only updated one of the listings and worked on the stylesheet, but when I load the home page in Safari, the page constantly refreshes. If I remove the Search & Filter plugin, the home page loads fine. You may be aware of this, but I just thought I’d point that out in case it’s a clue to the menu disappearance issue.


Viewing 4 results - 651 through 654 (of 654 total)