Hi Everyone,
We are using elementor pro had a search filter that was working fine and we tweaked a few items like adding some search functions and changing a little on the custom loops. Now nothing happens when trying to search, it shows the count of the results but doesn’t show the posts. Have followed instructions on website and everything is fine, made sure the plugin was working and it was fine, this is about the third time we have had issue with the search function not working.
Any help would be appreciated.
On the results page for that search, I can see our search form, but no means to display the results. Do you want me to add the extra codes to do that? I would screenshot what I do to show you the steps.
You have a choice. Use our Shortcode method, where the results display will be basic, or change the search to work with an Elementor Posts grid?
I’ve set up Search & Filter Pro on this page:
I configured everything like in this documentation:
The issue is that it’s not working, the pagination does not show. When I delete the Search & Filter Shortcode, there is no problem.
Can you help me?
Thanks and greetings
I am trying to use the filter form in Elementor post archive page. But as the URL is dynamic I can not use the custom search result URL. How to use the search form in elementor post archive page?
I suspect that I understand the problem. You appear to be using Category more than once.
If you are, please read this post, which is relevant to your situation:
Then, to get the fields to change the options, please see this post:
Hi there
We are seeing an issue on Pro using Elementor.
We are filtering on 3 post categories but if I select options from 2 or more only the last category selected is “sticking” in the drop down and being searched on.
So for example this is possible –
But multiple query strings are not being generated by the form.
What am I missing? Presumably the filtering can filter on multiple categories at once and I am sure this was originally working.
Am I missing a config setting?
OK thanks for reply. FYI we are using the standard Elementor post grid widget.
It is too complex to do now, as it will require us to write a custom addon for Elementor (which we fully intend to do) and then for us to explore how we can modify the behavior of their Post grid element. So, not practical for now.
When using Ajax to refresh the results, Elementor has no mechanism to do this, so the best that you can do is to make sure that Auto Count is ON and Hide Empty ON in each field, to try to avoid no results.
I see the problem. You are making a faceted search, although I am not sure what the first box is for. You appear to be using Category more than once.
If you are, please read this post, which is relevant to your situation:
Then, to get the fields to change the options, please see this post: