Is this function from an Elementor option of a third party Elementor addon plugin?
I can explain what happens and goes wrong. The page loads with the HTML you see. The popup button function comes with extra JavaScript code that runs when the document is ready, that attaches the popup to the button.
When you make a search, the posts are refreshed, but the popup button function does not see this happen (it is coded only to look at a full page load) so there is no popup code attached now to the buttons.
What will need to be done to fix this?
Two things. One from us, to supply you with a JavaScript code snippet to help re-attach the popup function, and then, you need the code to actually re-attach the popup. The latter must come from whoever wrote the popup function (not us, so either Elementor or the third party popup button plugin author).
The code snippet from us looks like this:
<script>(function ( $ ) {
"use strict";
$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
// call your script or function here
You would probably need to show this to whoever you ask for the code to go in place of the commented out line in my above code.
In this link:
The results of my filters are posts that have a button with an elementor popup that doesn’t open after the click.
If u click before filter the button “Richiedi buono”, the popup works. But after filter, when the results change, the button does not open the popup, I think this is a bug or a problem of compatibility between the plugin and elementor.
The link of the component html of the button that run the popup is the same before and after the filter:
Why after the filter popup does not work??!?!?
BTW I am using Elementor Pro with your plugin Search & Filter – Elementor Extension.
Display results method is set to Elementor posts / portfolio / Products
Template Options lead to a page I created to display the search results with your Search en Filter widget on it.
I think that is the only way to integrate with Elementor, on a ‘per page’ basis, so, yes, 200 forms. I do not thin there is an alternative.
Please note that we are closed for the weekend and any replies may be delayed until we open at 10AM (UK time) on Monday.
Hi there,
The elementor plugin is working effectively on the filter on the one page where i needed it, however, it seems to disable all other post queries across the site (i.e. where I’m using elementor to filter a post widget by taxonomy). Can you take a look?
Which integration method are you using for our plugin with Elementor? Our documentation changed two days ago, plus there was a post that showed modified JavaScript to target the results element better.
Hi Alvin. Whilst we have been messaging here, our developer, Ross, has released a purpose made addon for Elementor, that might make things a LOT easier. What do you think?
Hi guys. With the installation of the Search & Filter – Elementor Extension all the related posts, I had set up in Single Template Blog Post just vanished.
I try to understand why but cannot find errors, the related content code simply disappears.
Assuming that I have to use this extension as you teach in your documentation what can I do to prevent this behavior?