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  • #244384


    I have a rather large site and I am trying to figure out how to get things to correctly display.

    General Tab
    – search in products
    – auto submit on
    – field relationships or
    – Auto count off
    – detection off

    Display Results
    – template options off
    – Ajax on
    – container #products
    – pagination selector .woocommerce-pagination a

    – Irrelevant

    Tags, cats, taxo
    – Nothing selected

    UI Form
    – product tags and cats are both enabled

    The elementor page

    – editing the shop page
    – Top of page I have the search and form filter on there

    Live page

    – It shows the count for tags and categories
    – when I click on one nothing happens.
    – If i add a submit button and hit enter it just redirects me to the shop page.


    – flywheel was purchased by wp-engine and they are similar but I do not believe they have a governor. I am emailing them to see if they do.




    i set a Filter as you can see in this page:

    the template and pagination is made by an Elementor Template.

    When i choose a filter or when i click on reset button the page reaload fine but show ALL the images without pagination.

    If i try to activate the “Ajax” option in settings to also turn on “Searchandfilter” pagination the display results doesn’t works fine.

    Can you help me to solve this problem? I simply need pagination also when a filter is selected or reset button is pressed.

    Tnx a lot,




    I use search and filter pro widget for Elementor pro,and setting Nothing Found Message,but result not show my setting text.How can I do?



    On the Display Results settings tab of the form, you have selected ‘Using a Shortcode’ as the method. This may be wrong. Are you using Elementor Pro to display the posts? If so, you should use the method described in this guide (and also use the extension for Elementor Pro that you can download from the top of the guide page):

    The form we can address later, but this custom CSS normally centers the form:

    .searchandfilter > ul {
      display: table;
      margin: 0 auto;


    Ah, you would have to change the background color to beige in those cases. Add a class the Elementor row that has blue or beige so you can use those, e.g.



    and then the css is:

    blue-form-bg .searchandfilter > ul > li label {
        background-color: blue;
    beige-form-bg .searchandfilter > ul > li label {
        background-color: #f5f5dc;
    .searchandfilter > ul > li input,
    .searchandfilter > ul > li label select {
        background-color: #fff;

    In reply to: Ajax troubleshooting



    Ajax update, and a question:

    After having tried everything suggested by you guys in my own tickets, and everything suggested in every forum discussion I could find, Ross’s comment above finally clicked it for me: all the headaches about Ajax appear to not have been mis-configuration, Archive vs Post Type vs custom template or ay of the rest It seems that the Elementor extension is bad. One click to deactivate and suddenly everything works as it should have.

    But, since I bought SFP to use with Elementor, what are my options now? Can you suggest any other approaches? BTW: other than breaking Ajax, the elementor integration was very nice.

    Thanks for your help!



    Sorry I had also put this as a feature request. My mistake.

    It is difficult to explain, but I have a good working filter for all the products. But we want on a other page with seperation and define the results in childcategories. We have product child categorie (easy, group, deluxe). This is working in de filter by we don’t want to have this in the filter. We want three differents rows (field), so one we a filed with header Easy, with only the easy products, and a field with only groups products. I can make a sub-filter with only products in these categories, but the main filter must stay the same (do a global filtering to trigger all the three fields).

    So I created four filters.

    Use in de results form ; selection is working but not triggered by the primair global filter
    Slapen-Easy-selectie-NL ; this selects only the product with easy categorie (separate row)
    Slapen-Group-selectie-NL ; this selects only the product with group categorie (separate row)
    Slapen-Deluxe-selectie-NL ; this selects only the product with deluxe categorie (separate row)

    Primairy filter
    Slapen-selectie-NL ; this selects alle the product in Easy, Group and Delux.

    I am using Elementor Pro.

    I can’t send you printscreens with this form, but I hope you understand. We have a example form a different site.

    Is there a way to this. Many thanks.





    Can anyone advise me on how to edit the design of the search bar? Namely to make it wider?

    I am using Elementor Pro and am having difficulty in stretching the search bar across a section/div.



    Hi, can I create search bar like this via search and filter pro with elementor page builder?




    In the widget for elementor that you use to place these forms, I believe you can add a class, yes?

    I need you to add these as required:





    Otherwise I have no way to do the CSS you need. Let me know when this is done?

Viewing 10 results - 541 through 550 (of 1,069 total)