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  • #248077


    You are doing it correctly. There are two other users with the same issue, which we are looking at. Essentially, Elementor does not place the content of the popup on the page until you click the button, and thus our JavaScript doesn’t detect that form when the page loads. Most popup plugins actually add the content to the page and just hide it, and they work fine.

    I will refer this thread to our developer, Ross.



    Hi Trevor, updated the plugin, got the Elementor extension, set the display options to the Elementor one corresponding, changed it all, emptied the cache. And it still doesn’t filter.



    That will then allow you to follow this new guide:

    If you have previously used the filter_next_query shortcode and associated custom JavaScript, they will need to be removed.



    Thanks Trevor – ah, the subtleties of S&F Pro!

    For posts – I was following your documentation for Elementor Pro.

    For products – I was following your documentation for woocommerce. However, I should instead have stuck with the Elementor pro docs for products too. Doh!

    So, I have now done that for

    The product grid is responding correctly but the counts in the search form aren’t keeping pace. If you go to you’ll see what they *should* be.

    Thoughts? I’ve probably missed something obvious.


    In reply to: SF not working


    Our form widget and a Posts widget, as per the instructions I linked to:



    Ahh. The penny has dropped at my end.

    That page is a real page in WordPress. Our WooCommerce/Post Type Archive/As an Archive methods do not work in real pages.

    There are other methods that can work. Such as the Elementor Post element method. So, you could place a products widget on that page and filter that. In the form you make for that page, you simply use the Tags, Categories and Taxonomies settings tab to INCLUDE only the taxonomy term(s) that you need.


    In reply to: Filter not functions


    The method you have used to connect to Elementor appears to be the old one, and this is now replaced with a new method (and requires an extension plugin, which you can download from the top of the guide page). Be very careful to make all the steps (especially setting the Display Results method in the form, and also the Query settings in the Posts module. The guide is here:



    OK. I watched the video (quite long). The main issue is to get the filter working with the archive.

    I see two forms in the back office. One is set to Shortcode method, one is set to Elementor Posts.

    I think what you want/need is to use Elementor Posts Module. You can make a custom skin maybe, maybe using Ele Custom Skins. You can add text modules to that which use ACF fields as the source.

    Have you already designed a post module (maybe custom skin) to have this layout that you want? That is the place to start. If so, where can I see what you made already?

    If you have not made such a Post module, can you make one and put it on a page for me to see?


    nothing, the autosubmit function doesn’t work, I think that elementor popup functions block the right behaviour of your plugin in some way



    You appear to have two separate forms (3731 and 3806) on the page. This is not allowed and will (most likely) not work.

    Both fields you have there are subsets of Product Categories. Instead, you should have at least one additional custom taxonomy and move the terms into that. This post tries to explain:

Viewing 10 results - 451 through 460 (of 1,069 total)