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  • Anonymous

    Hi all,

    I’ve researched many plugins for search and filter specific posts on my page. I’ve also watched many tutorials for your Plugin Search and Filter and I was convinced to order.

    I want to use it on a page for FAQ and Maintenance questions from users, so they could find easier the answer to their question.
    What I want to achieve is to have 3 filters and results (post types) as articles displayed automatically on the same page with the same design of the posts and the whole page.

    Unfortunately, I couldn’t do that so easily. I found that to display results (using AJAX) on the same page I have to download additional PlugIn – Post Grid and to add specific HTML code directly on the page in order to work correctly.
    It wouldn’t be a problem but I using the plugin “Post Grid” I can stylize the view of the post the way I did it with the widget in Elementor Pro for showing Posts. And this really is a problem for me.
    I can’t compromise the design in order to search and filter plugin to work the way I want to.

    1. Can you give a solution using your Plugin for filtering posts and showing results automatically on the same page?


    Thank you in advance!

    With kind regards,



    A number of issues there. Many of the elements of a form are styled by the browser and the operating system and are not affected by CSS.

    As browsers go through regular updates, they change their styling of these things to suit latest ‘fashions’. I noticed recently that Chrome made such a change.

    You have Elementor, but not Elementor Pro? I understand one is paid, so not everyone will use it.

    If you are making custom CSS, you need to get the specificity correct, otherwise it will not override existing CSS. This means using the browser web developer inspector to see what current selectors in the CSS set a particular attribute, and using that with added specificity, usually like:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="1428"] .select2-container {
      margin: 5px;

    So, I would need to see what you are trying to change (a live link/URL), and with what CSS.



    Hi Sedim

    I’m afraid I think thats just the way the Elementor Posts Module works.

    When you display with a shortcode, you use a very basic template, that we created (and we added the results count to it).

    When you use the Elementor Posts Module, you are restricted to the options Elementor gives you. I would try searching for display total results elementor pro posts widget (I’m finding it hard to find anything) or reach out to their support, to see if they know a way to do this with the Posts Module?



    @split from

    Hi, I have the same question but since the replies are marked as private I’m having to ask again.
    How can I display only filters relevant to the current category I’m looking at?

    I am using Elementor and I have product categories such as Necklaces, Bracelets, Sets, Woman, Men, etc. I have also added “Size” to every product as an attribute.

    Now, for example, if I go to Necklaces and open the filters pop-up, I see “Color”, “Necklace Size” but also “Bracelet size” which is not relevant when all the products I see are necklaces.

    How can I fix this? Thank you so much for the much needed help!


    I am using Elementor PRO + Search & Filter PRO. For some reason when using the shortcode for the results I can Display the count. But when using the Elementor query per your instructions I cannot display the count? Is there a way to display the count only in a different way?

    Please see

    Thank you



    For now, oOur integration only works with the standard Elementor Pro Posts widget, sorry.



    Good morning Trevor,

    I have now purchased Elementor Pro
    So I’m going to test / configure again




    I believe so, yes. The basic Elementor does not have a Post Grid, but I know there are free addon plugins give you something like that, but unless they use the same code as Elementor does in their Pro version Posts widget, the free third party widget is unlikely to work with our plugin. Having said that, you might still get it to work if you set the Form to Custom method (with Ajax off to test), and, in the text tab of a Text widget, place this type of shortcode:

    [searchandfilter id="1234" action="filter_next_query"]

    And make sure that the Text widget is immediately before any third party post grid widget.



    Thank you for your quick reply Trevor.
    I will keep the plugin. Hopefully you’ll add this function. Meantime I coded a custom query with an Elementor form. The number type range is nice but I had to edit the template to add some classes to style the labels which are set to H4 (if I well remember).
    BTW, a bit off-topic but is it possible to create child templates/files?

Viewing 10 results - 421 through 430 (of 1,069 total)