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  • #251447


    You say that you have the same search form twice in the page. It MIGHT work, but often, doing this (having more than one instance of the same form, or even multiple different forms) will mean that they don’t work together. Just be aware that this is possible, so if you have problems with the results not working, that might be why. As you say, you did try deleting the desktop form.

    This is in Elementor, yes? And in a popup element from Elementor, I think? What version of our extension for Elementor are you using (the latest version is 1.0.4)?


    How can i display the results on the same page via ajax in
    Search & Filter works using a shortcode but only displays the title
    Search & Filter works setting the display option to “as an archive” but displays the results here;

    The custom page ‘bestanden’ is a cpt with custom fields
    The loop has been made by using the Ele Custom Skin plugin, here is where I configured the cpt archive display via a template.

    Is there anything i can configure in the Search & Filter settings to get this to work?


    Main issues:
    -Categories not showing up
    -Tags not showing up

    I’m using Elementor Pro and Woocommerce.


    Hi Trevor, thanks for your answer.

    I have indeed the same search form twice, but only one is loaded.
    Moreover, If I only put one form, I have the same issue.

    I’ve installed the elementor extension, but this will not help me there since this is a Archive page.

    So I have to ask elementor to know how change this lazyloading behavior?
    Is there another way to have a responsive checkbox form for mobile?


    It is likely that Elementor is lazyloading the content of the hidden accordion section, and so the styling and javascript needed may be missing. However, what you tell me suggests that you have the same search form twice in the page. It MIGHT work, but often, doing this (having more than one instance of the same form, or even multiple different forms) will mean that they don’t work together. Just be aware that this is possible, so if you have problems with the results not working, that might be why. Normally, we suggest only one form instance on the results page.

    If you are using Elementor Pro, you may need to use the free Search & Filter extension for Elementor Pro from this guide:



    I don’t know if its an elementor issue or a Search & Filter one.

    I would like to put a search & filter form on an archive page. I would like to hide the filter in the elementor accordion widget for the mobile version.

    When I put the shortcode, the filter is displayed as a non interactive list of text.

    The page is live here
    you can see its working on the desktop version, without the accordion, but not on the mobile version with accordion widget.

    Wordpress and all my plugin are up to date.

    Thanks for your help.


    Hello there! I have a site being built on premium plugins and one of them is S&F Pro + S&F plugin for Elementor.

    We have now narrowed down the error to S&F plugin for Elementor:

    -If this plugin is activated, the Elementor modal popup form which is called from a button, does not execute and send.

    Once deactivating this single plugin, it works.

    I’m happy to provide details and credentials to debug AND we really need this plugin to work since we’ve designed the functionality to lean on this for the membership site.

    Many thanks in avance!



    Thank you for the video. I can see the issue in what you show. You have used the same term source (‘Category’) more than once in the form, Please see this post for explanation, guidance and resources that you can use:



    Thank you for your help. Now looks much better and it works.

    I have still some issues with the look of the results.
    Do I have the option to have a “Load more” button or to have an infinitive scroll BUT only when the user has submitted the search?
    Now with the posts widget of Elementor Pro, I do not have the option of adding a “Load more” which would work just perfectly.

    Thank you very much once again.



    For The Love of god…..

    So i have just re done the whole thing from start to finish using the Elementor extension I have absolutely no idea what i have done differently but it now works absolutely fine…. I had spent a couple of hours yesterday with this and couldn’t get it to work…. then reverted to the shortcode method and had it working in minutes… but today had it working with the extension in minutes…

    Anyway, its working great!

Viewing 10 results - 401 through 410 (of 1,069 total)