Hi ! I’m trying to put on my website a search bar with filters. When I try do the first research the filters doesn’t work. The website is on WordPress with Jupiter theme : and the search bar is in the home page.
Hope that you can find an answer
Best regard
Hi Alessio
This was actually an intentional change, sorry its caused you some issues.
The basics of it are:
1) We were not escaping the field properly which could be a security issue (if someone had access to your site already),
2) as per other Elementor fields (they have a “no results message” for post archive modules) – we wanted to follow their lead and copied the implementation, which doesn’t allow html
3) We know Elementor will be implementing this at some point, so our solution is only supposed to be temporary…
4) When making this decision, we didn’t want to offer more in our plugin than Elementor would end up offering, and then have all our users have to “downgrade” (like you are doing now) when Elementor implements it – we want to add consistency for all our users, sooner rather than later so it doesn’t affect as many users…
That being said, I can tell you which line of code was changed in our plugin? However it’s not recommended to update a plugin directly.
Hi Trevor, unfortunately, inexplicably (perhaps some internal changes in Elementor upgrades?), the message of no results found, which I had customized in html, no longer works for a few weeks … in practice when no results are found the source message appears as it is, as if within the “query” field, it was no longer possible to interpret a message in html format, which was extremely convenient and worked well up to a month ago…
If I insert, as first parameter on the right. a random string on the field “Cerca Immobile per Parola Chiave” (try writing “dfgdfgdgdgd”) instead of appearing a link and a personalized message, the source text appears in html …
Thanks in advance!
P.S. Here are some screenshots of my settings and results:
Thanks ,
I tried your code and first it didn’t work, because I am used to add selector in front of the code that I add to elementor css.
Without selector it was working.
I will study further what I want and like.
You can close this ticket
Wim Bax
Thanks for Answer.
First is solved
I use Elementor to show filter and filter results.
I will take a deeper look to this.
I was able to setup the desired experience with a competitor product. I’d prefer not to use that product but I’m going to paste the experience here because it illustrates what I’m trying to achieve
Post 1 has a tail value of 19 on it
Post 2 has a tail value of N/A
If the filter is adjusted at all, Post 2 is removed from the results.
If the filter is “reset” both Post 1 and Post 2 are returned even though the minimum value on the filter is 1 and even though Post 2 has a tail value of N/A.
This is the desired experience I’d like to create with Search & Filter Pro.
I made the skin using Elementor pro and dynamic content.
I can see that the skin is set to ‘Custom’. What plugin did you make the skin in? Whilst some skins might work, some will not work with Ajax ON, as they may use features not directly from Elementor Pro, and thus would not be fully supported by our extension.
Hello , I am back
As I wrote the code you provided gave no response at all.
I am looking for a layout like
item 1 item 4 item 7 item 10
item 2 item 5 item 8 item 11
item 3 item 6 item 9 item 12
I tried to find which code had any effect on the combo box.
I added in the css of the elementor seach & Filter Form the following css
selector .searchfilter .select2-container–classic .select2-results>.select2-results__options, .select2-container–default .select2-results>.select2-results__options {
max-height: 300px;
overflow-y: auto;
This code increased the height of the combobox.
But now the question is how to make this into a multi-column and of course a box with the appropiate width.
Wim Bax
I think I understand. The Post per Page has to be set in our form. It overrides what you set in the Post Grid plugin.
The other issue is the use of the ‘Tag’ field more than once. Please see this post for explanation: