Thank you for yout reply, its ok for show checkbox 🙂
But now i would like know, because when i check box, it submit a form.
Is it possible to do this in ajax without submit ?
For bug
You have 2 tabs : Content / Advanced
When you put filter by elementor, you are in content tab, click on advanced and re clecik on content, its not possible to return to content tab.
I tried with elementor pro products widget and the archive products widget but it didn’t work
Are you using the Elementor Pro Products widget OR the Archive Products widget to display the products?
That seems pretty straight forward. The search bar on top on the results and the sidebar form will need to be combined in to one single form in the sidebar.
You may need to use Relevanssi (a free plugin) to enhance what data that search bar (text box) can search:
The sidebar form appears to contain three custom taxonomies:
Contracts Type
Member Type
If they are not set up that way, they will need to be (as separate custom taxonomies). You should be able to add one or more ‘Taxonomy’ fields to the Form UI, then in each field settings section, you can select the specific taxonomy you need to filter by. For example:
Are the members a custom post type, or did the site designer add them as posts?
How are you going to make the grid? Are you going to use a PHP template, or a Page Builder? If you are going to use a Page Builder, I would suggest looking at Elementor Pro. We have a integration for that: (there is an extension plugin at the top of that guide that you can download)
One advantage of using page builders like Elementor Pro, is that you can use it with pretty much any theme (I can use it with their free Hello theme for example). No need to buy a premium theme.
I am sorry, I did not reply to the other question about the Elementor issue. Can you make a video (with audio will help) (you would need to upload the video to a file sharing site – like the WordPress Cloudup site – and share the link for it with me) the issue in detail?
If it helps, I personally use the free TechSmith Capture tool, which allows screenshots (which you can annotate in the tool) and videos, uploads them for you, and gives you the links to share, all in one tool.
I have see a bug, when you did a form and after you try to put on elementor
When you click on tab advanced on elementor you can back to first tab.
But my ask is
I would like filter some posts with a personnal CPT (cars)
I have for example a CPT (color)
How i can filter by color my car ?
Is it possible to query the gallery in searchandfilter? I want to create a filterable gallery using searchandfilter when they click the image it will display on the lightbox with the next and prev button. I’m using Elementor Pro.
Good morning,
Yesterday we try your new beta extension for Anywhere in our websites because we noticed that the plugin had stopped working properly. Now, the filter works fine but instead, que post widget from Elementor genereate a bug (the code is visible for anyone, even if you’re not logged in). Please, can you check this out?
Hi Tony
I know this is much later than your original ticket…
We’ve just added official support for Anywhere Elementor in the beta of our Elementor Extension, you can try it here:
You set it up just the same as the other Elementor widgets, by following the instructions here:
So in “Post Type” dropdown, you will see “Search & Filter Query”, you must also set S&F display method to “Elementor Post / Product / Portfolio Widget” as per the docs.
Please let me know if that works out ok for you.
Hi Rob
We’ve just added offiical support for Anywhere Elementor in the beta of our Elementor Extension, you can try it here:
You set it up just the same as the other Elementor widgets, by following the instructions here:
So in “Post Type” dropdown, you will see “Search & Filter Query”, you must also set S&F display method to “Elementor Post / Product / Portfolio Widget” as per the docs.
Please let me know if that works out ok for you?