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  • #274669


    I am not sure that you are using the Elementor Products or Archive Products widgets, and are you using our extension for Elementor Pro, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file):

    The guide covers many different use cases (including the Archive Posts and Archive Products widgets), so please read it carefully.



    For is this what you mean:

    To get one field to ‘react’ to choices made in another field (not all field types, such as range, but there are others), in the General Setting tab, set Auto Count (both settings) to ON

    And then in the Form UI:

    In each field set Hide Empty set to ON


    In reply to: Meta Filter


    Hi Trevor, the plugin was installed but yes, I’d set this to Custom but have now changed to ‘Elementor Posts’, but still the same results. I’ll have a dg around too as we successfully use this filter on another page and this works OK there.


    In reply to: Meta Filter


    As you are using Elementor Pro, and you should be using our extension for Elementor Pro, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file):

    I assume you are not using this extension, as the form is using the Custom display method (which our old implementation method used to use, along with some JavaScript which is not now required).




    After I installed the Elementor Addon the results end up on a 404-page. I saved the parmalinks again, to be sure, but that didn’t help.

    Display results is set to Elementor Posts. I still like the results to filter on the same page.

    What am I doing wrong?





    I have a custom post type ‘product’
    Two taxonomies: product_category and product_material

    I’m looking to setup some kind of double filter system where selection product_material depends on chosen product_category.

    I think it will be best to make buttons of all product_category which will link to the product_category archive.
    There I would like to use a (ajax) ‘filter’ based on product_materials available (depending on products shown in this archive).

    Any idea how to achieve this with SaF?

    Idealy I can do the buttons and the filter with this plugin, but filter is the most important one for me, buttons I can create myself.

    (I’m using Elementor with – hope this will work too then 🙂




    It’s working now. When I was adding the code at the first time, it didn’t immediately display in Elementor Editor. But now I add the code, preview the page and refresh Elementor Editor, all display well.
    Thank you very much!


    Hi, hope all is well!

    On this page; I have the S&F Pro setup with’s Dynamic Posts v2 widget for Elementor

    So far so good, the search and filter functionality works perfectly. However I have three filters; kurs, tema and passlangd and if I filter the results by any of them and then click the reset button the URL is updated to the following;

    For some reason, no results are shown when setting the filters to equal “All Items” in the URL

    Is there a setting I’m missing perhaps?

    Thanks! All the best! /David



    Thanks for the message. Let me explain exactly what I do. I make a loop with ele custom skin. Then I create an archive / search result page. I link this to display results method: elementor post / portfolio / product. Below I enter the url of my archive page. It works fine on my desktop. On the phone it keeps sending me back to the home page. Where am I making the mistake?



    Yes, I’m using Elementor Pro. I did not know there was a special extension for pro. I will check it out (and the documentation).


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