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  • #262872


    Thanks. Try adding this script to the page (in a Text widget, in the tabs at the top, there is a ‘Text’ mode, use that):

    <script>(function ( $ ) {
      "use strict";
      $(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
        $('.elementor-widget-posts .elementor-container .elementor-element').removeClass('elementor-invisible');



    I’m running into an issue where the filters are working fine, but the search field is not returning anything other than when I type in the post title. It doesn’t seem to return values entered into a description, which is provided via Advanced Custom Fields entry).

    In order to search all content for the posts (I’m creating a resource library page), is there a setting I should look into more specifically? I’d like it to be able to search any of the terms that may be put into a description of the resource or by tags (and not just click the filter for the tag).

    I’m using the S&F Pro plugin for Elementor Pro and Advanced Custom Fields in order to configure my page. I created the custom post type using CPT UI.

    Thanks for the guidance.



    Did you install the additional extension? You should download (if you are logged in, if you are not, you will not see the big blue button to download) from top of this guide page:


    You wrote that the plan is to have the feature to be able to have more than one filter for the same post availble in August , 2020.
    I like to be able to place in elementor the filters in separate places.
    In order to make the layout better and get to control the filters separately for visibilty in desktop , tablet, mobile view.
    What is the status at this moment?
    Wim Bax



    If you have Elementor Pro, it has a pop up button widget, which is how I would do it. Our Elementor Pro integration extension plugin works with that pop up button.



    Hi, I have an issue whereby some of my products keep disappearing from the search & filter options.

    I am using 2 x Taxonomy searches and a post meta custom field in my filter.

    The issue is that the first Taxonomy option is occasionally missing some of the items and I keep having to go back in to the filter and rebuild the cache in order for them to reappear.

    Sometimes, just making a change and changing it back again, which causes the filter to ‘fetch the cache’ without rebuilding the cache can fix the issue.

    We are also using Elementor Pro and have the additional Elementor plugin for this.

    What could possibly be causing this?

    PS: This was happening for some many weeks now and then and we didn’t have any caching plugins installed when it started happening.

    Kind regards




    Hi guys.
    I am using Search & Filter with Elementor Pro, but I’m experiencing a weird problem.

    My website is a real state agency as you can see. In the left side you can see the plugin in action, but it doesn’t work as expected.

    For example, i have 7 available houses (Casa(7)), but when you filter the search result, you can only see 3 houses.

    Here you can find all the available houses which are 7.

    Can you give me hand with this issue?




    Thanks for your help Trevor, I ended up creating a separate filter UI in Elementor with matching category names and with Javascript had clicks on those Elementor text fields relay a JQuery click onto the filter UI category radio buttons. Being able to use Elementor to put the Filter UI together sped things up quite a bit.



    IF you have Elementor Pro, then we now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page (which shows how it should be used with the archives and product archives widgets, see a little way down the page for specific extra advice when using the archives and product archives widgets):

    Please read and follow the guide carefully.

    You do not appear to be using this method, as the form is set to the ‘Custom’ display results method.

    Elementor Pro comes with two layouts for the posts (Classic and Cards), but, whilst we do not officially support it (so there may be some issues), the Ele Custom Skins plugin allows you to make more layouts.



    Hello Trevor,

    Sure, I can. Here is a link,
    1-I use Hello Elementor theme.
    2-I user WooCommerce Plugin.
    3-I use elementor pro as plugin as well.

    I would like to have the customize display reult. How can I do that?


    Heng Dosich

Viewing 10 results - 221 through 230 (of 1,069 total)