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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'data-sf-form-id'

Viewing 10 results - 51 through 60 (of 189 total)
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  • #259243


    I can see that something is applying ‘Nice Select’ javascript to our select box (maybe your theme), which is hiding our field and showing a different field, but it is not copying across the terms. That you would need to talk with the theme author about (probably best to stop it from doing that). Some custom CSS could hide the nice select version of the field and reveal our field. For example:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4693"] .sf-input-select:not(.nice-select) {
        display: inline-block !important;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4693"] .sf-input-select.nice-select {
        display: none;

    In reply to: Horizontal serach bar


    This custom CSS should get you started for desktop:

    @media (min-width: 768px) {
      .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4680"] > ul {
        display: flex;
        width: 100%;
        align-items: center;
        justify-content: center;
        padding-top: 20px
      .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4680"] ul,
      .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4680"] > ul > li:first-child {
        margin-left: 0;
      .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4680"] > ul > li {
        display: inline-flex;
        margin-left: 20px;
        padding: 0;
      body[data-fancy-form-rcs="1"] .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4680"] .fancy-select-wrap {
        padding-top: 0;

    This reply has been marked as private.


    OK. You already have many CSS rules added for the form. You need to remove all of what you have (especially the !important ones). It might not be perfect, but it will get you there for desktop view:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] > ul {
      display: flex;
      flex-wrap: wrap;
      padding: 10px 30px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] > ul > li {
      float: left;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] ul {
      margin-left: 0px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-field-submit {
      clear: both;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] h4 {
      font-size: 1.9rem;
      display: inline-block;
      min-width: 160px;
      flex-grow: 0;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"]  .sf-field-search h4 {
      padding-top: 10px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-field-taxonomy-audience h4,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-field-taxonomy-resource_type h4 {
      min-width: 200px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] {
      border: 1px solid #cccbcb;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] ul li.sf-field-reset > input[type=submit],
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] ul li.sf-field-submit > input[type=submit] {
      background-color: #312d7a;
      color: #fff;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] > ul > li {
      flex-grow: 1;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] p {
      display: inline-block;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-field-search p {
      flex-grow: 1;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-field-search label {
      width: 75%;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-input-text {
      border-radius: 1.75rem;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-input-text {
      width: 100%;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] > ul > li > p > label br {
      display: none;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] > ul > li.sf-field-reset,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] > ul > li.sf-field-submit {
      flex-grow: 0;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-field-reset {
      padding-left: 10px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] .sf-field-search {
      flex: 0 0 100%;
      display: flex;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="4617"] select.sf-input-select {
      min-width: 300px;
      width: auto;

    In reply to: border radius CSS


    You have this:

    .sf-field-search input, .sf-field-search label {
        display: block !important;
        width: 100% !important;
        border-radius: 30px;

    You should use this:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="15236"] .sf-field-search input, .sf-field-search label {
        display: block;
        width: 100%;
        border-radius: 30px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="15236"] li[data-sf-field-input-type="select"] select,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="15236"] .sf-field-submit input {
        border-radius: 30px;

    Please note that we are now closed for the day as it is gone 5PM here in the UK. For any further replies, I will be back on again tomorrow.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    This search of our forum should give some snippets of how to style the form, but your theme might be overriding the CSS, in which case are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look? Let me know which elements are resisting styling, and what CSS you had tried that did not work.

    The search:


    In reply to: How to change color?


    You would need to make sure the specificity is correct. This is our standard slider CSS for that color (I believe):

    .searchandfilter .noUi-connect {
        background-color: #526E91;

    So you would need custom CSS, something like:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id="1234"] .noUi-connect {
        background-color: #ccc;

    Where you would change the ID to match that of your form, and the color to what you want it to be.


    Roy Haverkotte

    Hi Trevor, no also to those sites. Here are the images.

    This one is my current. I am posting CSS Below. Found it here in the forum.

    Below fotoshop is what i would like to achieve. original source is:

    First row 1 search bar.
    2nd 3 pulldown menu
    3th 3 sliders
    4th some download and info.

    Colors also like in this screenshot. Width like in findeq as machine pictures.


    CSS as i have now:

    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] {
    padding: 20px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] > ul {
    margin: 0;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li.sf-field-search input,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li.sf-field-search label,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li[data-sf-field-input-type=”select”] label,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li[data-sf-field-input-type=”select”] select,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li[data-sf-field-input-type=”daterange”] label,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] .select2-container {
    min-width: 100%;


    Roy Haverkotte


    I am looking for a way to get a top filterbox with sliders and pulldown menu`s like see attached image.
    Spent days reading here and tried many things but can not get it to work as it should.

    Any advise and help would be great.

    My site, Findeq
    Findeq stock with filterbox

    I like to have something like on this site:
    SJH allplant stock
    SJH Allplant stock with filterbox



    CSS Used till now :

    .searchandfilter > ul > li {
    display: inline-block;
    vertical-align: top;
    padding: 0 20px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] select.sf-input-range-select {
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    padding: 2px 0;
    border-radius: 4px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] > ul > li:first-child {
    margin-left: 0;
    padding-top: 0;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li.sf-field-search h4 {
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: 700;
    letter-spacing: 1.5px;
    padding-top: 0;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] h4 {
    font-size: 10px;
    color: #02213d;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] select,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] .select2-container .select2-results__option,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] .select2-container–default .select2-selection–single .select2-selection__rendered {
    color: green;
    font-size: 10px;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] select.sf-input-select {
    min-width: auto;
    }.searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li.sf-field-search input,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li.sf-field-search label,
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] .select2-container {
    max-width: 100%;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] > ul {
    margin: 20px;
    border: 1px solid #02213d;
    padding: 75px;
    background: #f3f3f3;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] .meta-slider {
    max-width: calc(100% – 10px);
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li .sf-meta-range.sf-meta-range-slider label {
    width: calc(50% – 9px);
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] li .sf-meta-range.sf-meta-range-slider input {
    width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;
    font-size: 10px;
    color: #000;
    border-color: #02213d;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] .select2-container .select2-selection,
    .select2-container–open .select2-dropdown–above {
    border-color: #02013d;
    .searchandfilter[data-sf-form-id=”2918″] .select2-container, .select2-container–open {
    font-size: 10px;
    color: #000;
    .select2-container–open .select2-search–dropdown .select2-search__field {
    border-color: #02213d;

Viewing 10 results - 51 through 60 (of 189 total)