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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'current_query'

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  • #26753


    Hi Nina

    It should be like the example I showed you – I’ve reformatted it to make it more readable:

    $fields = array(
    $args = array(
    	"field_delim" => "<br />",
    	"delim" => ", ",
    	"show_all_if_empty" => true
    echo $sf_current_query->get_fields_html($fields, $args);

    field_delim is the delimiter between the data for each field,
    delim is the delimiter between the actual options selected within a field



    Nina Breygin

    Hello again Ross and thank you for your guidance!

    I installed updated plugin. I saw the class code that utilizes replacing args.

    I still have two questions:

    Question 1. if this code is correct – meaning should $args be where it is now:

    echo $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(
    array( “_sft_leadership”, “_sft_management”, “_sft_governance”, “_sft_crosscutting” )

    OR it should go inside of the () like I’m guessing – please see below

    echo $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(
    array( “_sft_leadership”, “_sft_management”, “_sft_governance”, “_sft_crosscutting”, $args )


    Question 2. After you confirm which version to use, I am not clear where to put this code.
    When I try to add “my guess” version on the top of the archive page I see that args are not being replaced.

    I on purpose changed the args to be explicitly different

    $args = array(
    “field_delim” => “X”,
    “delim” => “,Y “,
    “show_all_if_empty” => false

    But when I use echo to output them, they come as: args are: , , – link to archive page is below

    Sorry for being dense. As I said I’m a beginner.
    Really need your help with this critical project.

    Thank you again, Nina



    Hi Nina

    I noticed a PHP error in the active query class so I’ve just emailed you a fix.

    Once you get that, you can pass an array of arguments to the function, which controls the delims between the fields, please see:

    $args = array(
    	"field_delim" => "",
    	"delim" => ", ",
    	"show_all_if_empty" => true
    echo $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(
    	array( "_sft_leadership", "_sft_management", "_sft_governance", "_sft_crosscutting" )

    Hope that helps!

    – a word of warning, there is still some functionality to add to this class, and as this is the first version, I already think that the syntax for accessing the methods of this class might change – be sure to keep an eye on the changelogs in the next couple of updates.



    Nina Breygin

    Hello Ross,

    when I select multiple checkboxes in my form the URL string has terms separated by comma(%2C)

    when I output the search variables on the page using your guidance:

    echo $sf_current_query->get_fields_html(
    array( “_sft_leadership”, “_sft_management”, “_sft_governance”, “_sft_crosscutting” )


    I get this result: Leadership: CultureEmotional IntelligenceLeading Change
    How do I turn output for user into: Culture, Emotional Intelligence, Leading Change ?

    Thank you so much for your help!
    – Nina

Viewing 4 results - 371 through 374 (of 374 total)