I can’t see anything wrong on the form settings. In the page settings, I needed to see the settings you have in the Beaver Builder Post module, as show here for example:
I have a problem and need help…
My settings:
Settings & Default Conditions for this Search Form.
= Results per page: 999
Display results method:
= Beaver Builder Post Module
Ajax Pagination
= Pagination Type: Normal
Beaver Builder Module
= Pagination: none
Now my problem:
According to my settings there should be only one result page, which is ok in the frontend. BUT in the source code I find
<link rel="next" href="https://www.my-url.com/page/2/" />
<link rel="next" href="https://www.my-url.com/page/3/" />
The problem is now double content. Also the canonical link shows wrong here: <link rel="canonical" href="https://wwwmy-url.com/page/2/" />
How can I change this? Or is there a bug here?
Best regards
I am not aware of any of our other users of Beaver Builder doing that, but that isn’t to say it is not possible.
However, it would still have to be using the Post Type Archive method in order that you can use the theme archive URL structure (which moves the query string from the search part of the URL back in to the normal permalinks type structure that you wanted).
There IS a way to do that, which would involve using our Post Type Archive method. The problem is that you have chosen to use Beaver Builder, and because of the way it makes pages, we cannot integrate into an archives page, only a single page, hence your need to make a lot of pages with a form for each.
This is a problem common with many page builder plugins, like Site Origin, WPBakery Page Builder and more.
Some Page builders do follow the WordPress Codex in the way they create archive post pages so that we can access the wp_query(); for example Divi Builder and Elementor Pro. So, in the integration guide for that page builder:
You will see that you can use the Post Type Archives method, and from there you can autodetect the archive page you are on (our plugin pre-selects the field selection based on the archive page slug) and it stays within the URLs of the archive pages.
We are unable to do this for Beaver Builder.
I successfully added a S&F filter to a Beaver Builder posts module, and it works well. Now, I want to have additional search options for the same posts module.
Description: I’m working on a hotel site. I currently have a slider to filter based on price (selecting from a Field Group A number field), but I would like to add two more filters: one for room amenities (selecting from Field Group B radio button fields), and one for extras (selecting from Field Group C radio button fields).
All these filters should work together to provide results from the same pool of rooms. Is this possible with BB, or must I do it in PHP?
Prandam, if the Kadence Theme Pro is a Framework theme (I am not familiar with this theme) then using the ‘As an Archive’ and ‘Post Type Archive’ display results methods may not work for you. This is because many ‘framework’ themes use complex structures of PHP files to create the pages, and do not work in the ‘standard’ WordPress manner (per the WordPress Codex, which uses relatively simple archive template files, such as search.php and archive.php, which can be (are designed/intended to be) modified/modifiable by the user). Thus we find it difficult to hook in to the results query and loop, to control the results shown.
For such complex themes as perhaps Kadence Pro is, you would need to use a Page Builder or Grid Builder plugin to create the search/results page. If you want to code things yourself, you can use our Shortcode method, as it uses a simple results.php template that you can edit/customize (but you may need the help of a third party coder):
Some free page builders (such as SiteOrigin) can sometimes also be made to work, using much the same method as described here for the most likely solution that you might use (a free grid builder plugin):
We also support the much more powerful and very popular Elementor Pro page builder premium (paid) plugin:
Plus we support others like WPBakery Page Builder and Beaver Builder. Some others may also be supported in some way, but ask before committing to using any others.
I am using Search and Filter Pro with PODS, Beaver Builder and Relevanssi.
I am not able to get results when typing the search query here:
Could you help me with this?
I think that the issue you are facing is that the Beaver Builder integration requires a fixed results URL. I think we plan to make this more flexible in V3 (due in a few months), but for now, let us take you example.
You have gone to:
using the site navigation system. That page should be identical to:
Is that correct? If it is, then you could use a WordPress re-direct so that when you click on the archive page link, WordPress will rewrite that to the search page equivalent. I haven’t written such a rewrite example in the forum, but I would guess it might look like this:
function sandf_change_afc_archive_url_rewrite() {
if ( is_category() ) {
$category = get_category( get_query_var( 'cat' ) );
$cat_slug = $category->cat_slug;
wp_redirect( home_url( "nfl/?_sft_category=" ) . $cat_slug );
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'sandf_change_afc_archive_url_rewrite' );
This would go in the child theme functions.php file. WARNING: I HAVE NOT TESTED THIS!
What do you think? Would this be acceptable to you? If it is, can you try it? Let me know what happens.
Then, I think if we can resolve that issue, the Beaver Builder issue will need to be taken up by our plugin developer, Ross. But, we can deal with that after this first issue is resolved (at least for now).
I think the first thing to do is see if using our extension for beaver builder will help:
(there is a download link at the top, which you should be able to see if you are logged in)
Second, it might be useful for you to send me a live link/URL to your search page.
Third. Generally, it is not a good idea to have multiple parent/child trees within a single taxonomy (it may be that you have found this to be the case). In relation to our plugin, when designing forms, you can use a data term source only once per form, but you may well want multiple fields, each based on one or other of those parent/child trees. It is much better to split the taxonomy (in your case Category?) up into smaller chunks of terms. This happens a lot on WordPress sites, so there are already some very good tools to make it easier. This post discusses it:
Hello, I’m struggling to make S&F Pro work with my current architecture.
I have a rather large category heirarchy (122 items, 3 levels deep).
I am using Beaver Builder for site design and Beaver Themer for archive pages.
On the archive page template, I have a S&F shortcode which targets a Beaver Builder post module for the results. The archive works correctly for the posts that should display there, but when I try to filter further with S&F, things break.
I’m sure this is because of the Results URL under Template Options which is supposed to be set to the target page where the shortcode is displayed.
However, since this is a dynamic situation where the URL varies depending on the archive, this is not working. Under General Settings, I have “Detect defaults from current page” set for tag/category/taxonomy archives.
Please tell me there’s a better way than having to build separate S&F search forms for every individual taxonomy.