Extra info:
If you go to Woocommerce will show you 3 products in a correct lay-out.
If you search voor ‘Ketjap Gekruid’ on page your plugin is using woocommerce/archive-product.php but the layout is different: the products are not listed next to each other. The URL is then:
Please help, I’m running out of time on a strict deadline for next friday afternoon.
Best regards, Janno
Hi Ross,
back from holidays I updated the plugin and tested the integration. Maybe I’m doing something wrong, please help me with the correct way to use your plugin.
I created a new page, inserted the [searchandfilter id=”2726″]. In Settings I selected ‘As an archive page’, ‘Use a custom template for results’ and entered the filename: /woocommerce/archive-product.php
Under Ajax: I checked Load results using Ajax.
Search is working. However, my lay-out is not consistent with the Woocommerce output of the search results.
What must I do to get them the same?
Best regards, Janno
Hi, believe I’ve almost got Search & Filter Pro working properly but have two problems with display results and could use your assistance. (More than happy to get on the phone and do paid support if my questions are out of scope for this forum.) My current settings are as follows: display results as an archive page = true; use a custom template = true; woocommerce/filter-plays.php is the template (which is a straight copy of archive-product.php); load results using Ajax = true. Two problems as follows:
1) I have a custom meta dropdown for Genre. When a genre is selected, results filter correctly, but when you deselect back to “All Genres” nothing happens. In your Demo 2, I can see parameters updating in the URL as filters are applied and so that “All Product Categories” returns products to default state of all visible.
For some reason my URL remains the same no matter what’s selected:
And so I just can’t seem to replicate the desired result that Demo 2 displays. Can you advise me on what I’m doing wrong?
2) One of my products (a play) is named “Darlene & The Guest Lecturer.” The filter refuses to recognize this product, and I’m guessing it’s because the ampersand character is not escaped somehow in the code, right? If that’s the problem, I’d like to request that you escape common special characters in the next iteration of the plugin. Especially ampersands as Search & Filter Pro would not be able to find itself in results right now. 🙂
Looking forward to your response, and thanks for making such a cool plugin.
Dear support,
I have a working WooCommerce setup filled with products. It took me a while to get all the styling done. However Woocommerce is limited in search capabilities so that’s the reason why I bought search and filter Pro.
As far as I understood i should deselect Ajax and use a page template. Mine is (relative to the theme directory) /woocommerce/archive-product.php. I think it cannot find it because it sticks to the default results.php which is located in {themedir}/search-filter/results.php.
What am I doing wrong?
Hi there,
I have just bought your plugin and installed it on the following url
Attached is the page with the shortcode, and the plugin settings.
On the url above, the filter works great, but
1) IT doesnt update the URL (I have enabled it to allow bookmarking – see attached plugin settings screenshot)
2) When I click the pagination the layout doesnt recognise the archive-product.php
3) When you click on a product, then begin filtering from the single-product page the results appear laid out like (2) above.
I am not sure how I can get the URL updating for bookmarks and keep the same grid layout throughout searching as seen on /shop
thank you!
Ok great thanks for the info Matthew.
I think potentially this could have been fixed by setting up the correct template to display the results?
I’ve just given some similar advice to another user:
1) Make sure use custom template
is ticked
2) Make sure the woocommerce template files are copied in to your theme folder (
3) Set the custom template to woocommerce/archive-product.php
I only mention this because you will have problems upgrading this plugin and need to keep making edits to the core plugin files every update :/
If you find time to try that I’d be interested in the results.
Thanks again for your detailed info.
Hey Andrea
Have you copied over the woocommerce templates in to your theme?
If so (or you bought a theme that does this), then you probably want to choose the product archive for layout – which is normally located:
So in the custom template settings of S&F you should use
– just look in your theme folder to make sure this file exists first 🙂
Let me know if this helps?
Btw, Im seeing a lot of notices on the New Relic console, which may have something to do with the report issue:
Error message
E_WARNING: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, no array or string given
Stack trace
…call_user_func_array called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-includes/
plugin.php (214)
archive-product.php (140)
archive-product.php (120)
in genesiswooc_archive_product_loop called at ? (?)
…call_user_func_array called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-includes/
plugin.php (505)
… called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/mw-public/themes/genesis/lib/
framework.php (39)
archive-product.php (206)
in include called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-includes/template-loader.php (74)
in require_once called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php (16)
in require called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/index.php (17)
and also:
Error message
E_WARNING: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, no array or string given
Sample stack trace
…call_user_func_array called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-includes/
plugin.php (214)
template-loader.php (252)
taxonomy.php (55)
in genesiswooc_product_taxonomy_loop called at ? (?)
…call_user_func_array called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-includes/
plugin.php (505)
… called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/mw-public/themes/genesis/lib/
framework.php (40)
taxonomy.php (62)
in include called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-includes/template-loader.php (74)
in require_once called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php (16)
in require called at /srv/wordpress/wordpress/index.php (17)
They both have multiple occurrences while im navigating those pages.
Hey Ross,
I just had to point the plugin to the template file, which by default is `woocommerce/archive-product.php”.
Once i’ve done that it started to work beautifully.
Thanks again.
Thank you for the suggestion Ross.
I’ve tried to insert the template filename, it does behave differently but it still doesn’t output anything. I do see the requests on the console, but they seem to be always retrieving the complete list.
This is a WooCommerce products list, so i’ve tried with the default search.php
and also tried to insert the default WooCommerce search archive page, which is archive-product.php
. When I insert the second filename and save the settings, the form clears that input and shows it as blank.
Any tips?