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  • Anonymous

    Thanks Ross. The set force “is_search” to true doesn’t work for me. I’d already looked at the FAQ and the part about editing line 71 but I can’t find that code in the custom template that I’m using. However, I did manage to find the line;
    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
    It didn’t have the other code that you said needed deleting. I don’t know what else I can try. The custom template that I’m using is archive-product.php
    I guess I’m missing something within it?




    I want to have a woocommerce template like in your demo. In my case, i use the default-archives on blog and replace it with archive-product.php (from woocommerce), i copied the code and replace it to the loop but it seems it doesn’t work or i didn’t have placed it correctly. Can you guide me through, on how to work or play around the S&F using woocommerce template?



    I’m using S&F-Pro to filter WooCommerce Products.
    When filtering using Ajax the default WooCommerce Sorting options (a form) disappears.

    In template options I’m using woocommerce.php from my theme directory. If I change it to woocommerce/archive-product.php the Sorting options work well but the filter doesn’t work.

    Is anything I am doing wrong?



    I’ve installed the plugin with WooCommerce and Storefront theme, but to be honest, with a limited technical knowledge I’m struggling with the documentation. I’ve spent several hours trawling through it and making little progress. I think I finally figured out that I have to move the archive-product.php to my theme folder for it to display the same grid as the shop page. However, when I change one of the filter criteria, it loads totally the incorrect results and then stops filtering anything else. I’ve been through the FAQ page and tried looking for WP_Query but didn’t find it, and also using force is_search to be true.

    Also, I’m not getting a button to submit the filter criteria once I’ve selected them. I’ve tried with and without Ajax enabled. Surely, if Ajax isn’t enable there should be a submit button? I’ve tried with the default WordPress theme and also a clean install. I can see the potential of the plugin, but with my level of expertise it’s far from easy to setup. What can I try?



    Hey Ross —

    Yes a combination of those two posts worked. I’m using Woocommerce archive-product.php to display results, but have now created a custom template without the Woothemes loop.

    Some documentation on this would be really helpful — in our case there’s some implications of doing this that I still need to work through, and am not thrilled about it. The filtering is working though which is the most important thing!





    Hi James

    This is a bit out of the realm of the plugin support.

    Basically what your theme is doing is loading a sidebar on the woocommerce product page, but not on the S&F results page.

    You can try one setting, under “advanced” tick “force is_search to true” – if this doesn’t work be sure to disable it after testing.

    In this case, you must duplicate your archive-product.php (because we will be making customisations) and use this as your template. You need to update this new template to show a specific / different sidebar (will require some coding).

    For info on how to create a sidebar/widget area see –

    Most people prefer to use a plugin though, something like widget logic –




    Thank you very much for quick reply, Ross. So I tried to add /woocommerce/archive-product.php to custom template field and it’s working now. Anyway, there si another problem. The sidebar disappears when results are loaded. So I can see the results, but no sidebar with filtering. I’m using exactly same template as shop homepage.

    Thank you very much,


    Good day,

    I’ve been using your plugin on a site we’re developing to sell photos:

    The plugin seems to work fine when it can find results (though the string saying how many products are displayed isn’t updated).

    However, when it can’t find any results, say when you fill in a load of garble for a title, it doesn’t seem to display a notification that nothing was found. It just lists the entire content of our product database.

    Is there a WooCommerce template I should be using instead of archive-product.php?

    The jQuery selector I’ve used for the results container is ‘ul.products’.



    Hey Janno

    In this case you must put the search form on the product archive page… so place the shortcode in your theme file (archive-product.php) above the results!

    To add a shortcode to a themefile you just wrap it in a functions and possibly php tags:

    <?php do_shortcode('[searchandfilter id="99"]'); ?>

    Thanks for the kind words.



    Hi Ross,

    I checked force is_search always be true (it was not set before). But no difference. I added a H2 tag to archive-product.php and it is shown in the results. So it’s definitely loading the template.

    Do you need login credentials to WordPress and FTP?

    Best regards, Janno

Viewing 10 results - 41 through 50 (of 63 total)