I configured the module as I tough it should work, I added the shortcode in the archive-product.php file and it shows but it works the same as the free version for now, it only filters by product_cat and product_tag and not by experience and job, wich are the 2 custom taxonomies linked to the Teacher CPT.
The Teacher CPT are linked to the product here
The 2 taxonomies show on front-end because I found and selected them but with any of those 2 selected it show all the products from that category.
Hi. Thanks for the video.
It seems you are thinking of integrating S&F with an addon that is not officially supported.
To confirm, that would be Elementor Essential Addons widget for Learn Dash, yes?
It doesn’t look like we can get this working with that plugin unless we build a specific integration – which might take a while (we have tried to get it working another way, but failed).
The only way around this I can think of around this (untested) is if you try setting up a post type archive for courses.
Use Elementor to customise the layout (make sure it uses default query) and then follow our setup instructions about archives:
Hi Trevor, thanks for your reply. I changed the setting of the Display results method to ‘WooCommerce Shop’ and the query back to the default WooCommerce query with: while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
Still do I get dutch products on the english archive-product and vice versa…
Any idea why the products are cross language shown? Without Search & Filter Pro, it works like expected.
OK, but you need it to keep and display the results on this page, and not go to the shop page, yes?
I could not find the archive-product.php template file in the them or child theme folder? Is your shop page using the one in the WooCommerce plugin folder?
I am think that, if you are using the As an Archive display results method, you may need to copy that file and give it a new name, and put that in the child theme main folder.
When I changed it from “.elementor-widget-container .woocommerce” to “.elementor-widget-woocommerce-archive-products” there seemed to be no change in reaction, when you select the next page it still stays at the bottom
What happens if you change the Ajax Container to .elementor-widget-woocommerce-archive-products
I have compared the default WooCommerce archive-product.php file with the one from your theme, and there are many differences. But, what I can see, is that the theme one adds a sidebar in, but does this only if there are posts. Also, your theme template does not output the standard results list block if it thinks there are no results, or, at least, it omits the <ul class="products">
Unless you can get someone to re-code that theme file, it means Ajax will not work.
Hi Trevor,
At the moment it’s the homepage but we’re probably going to make another homepage. The shop page has been made custom by using an archive-product.php
Best regards,
Robin Peek
I tried to add the code to the existing query args, and it just returned. There was no UI for filtering the posts by year.
Yes, I have two page templates that display the CPT Productions. The main CPT archive, file called archive-productions.php only displays future productions.
I have another page template called page-past-productions.php that has a custom query that displays only past productions. This is the page where I want to display the filter UI.
Yes, the template is the standard Woocommerce archive-product.php template file which already includes the do_action( ‘woocommerce_before_shop_loop’ ); code.
Should it be in the woocommerce/archive-product.php path or directly as archive-product.php in the same folder as the style.css
I tried both but the hook- @hooked woocommerce_catalog_ordering – 30 doesn’t work in either place.