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  • Anonymous

    I have troubles to setup S&F on my website using Elementor Pro.
    I have created a basic filter by category following your doc : and using Ajax.
    I manage to display the filter by using shortcode and my posts grid but when I chose a category in the dropdown list, results are not filtered, even so they seems to be refreshed.
    Could you please help me ? I followed the documentation except the part “Masonry & Ajax” because I don’t know how to add the js…



    hello, I’m a new customer, I bought the plugin.

    I wanted to know how to display all the fields and buttons in the filter.

    I followed the documentation for those who use elementor pro, (guide)

    I wanted to know if my page is OK:
    you see

    Massimo Scolari



    Thank you for your promptness in our hour of need!

    I am not sure why the images disappear… we had a similar issue before with there appearing excess space after loading ajax, now its less space…

    Is there something I need to change in what you sent me last time? Here is what you sent me last time:

    “Yes I am using Chrome in Windows. But now I see it. And I think I have a fix:

    Add this custom CSS to the theme:

    body.sfajax .elementor-380 .elementor-element.elementor-element-6c9e0661 .elementor-posts-container .elementor-post__thumbnail {
      padding-bottom: 0 !important;

    Then you need to add a javascript to the page:

    (function ( $ ) {
      "use strict";
      $(document).on("sf:ajaxstart", ".searchandfilter", function(){




    Hi Trevor,
    And thank you very much for your help. Indeed I don’t disable Ajax. It’s work fine now. You will put this information in the documentation to simplify for noobs like me :
    Basic Setup
    Add the Posts Grid to your page
    Before the Posts Widget, tell S&F that it needs to filter the grid by adding a text area and adding our filter_next_query shortcode:
    [searchandfilter id=”123456″ action=”filter_next_query”]
    Replace “123456” with the ID of your search form

    Add the Search & Filter form to your page using the shortcode or by adding a widget – [searchandfilter id=”123456″]
    In your search form, under Display Results tab, choose Custom Display Method, and enter the Full URL of the page with the Elementor Posts widget
    Don’t worry about the Query Settings in the Elementor Posts Widget, Search & Filter replaces these.
    Disable Ajax under Display Results > Template Options
    That’s it you’re good to go!

    Thank again and have a good holiday.

    Best regards.

    Loïc T.



    With Ajax set to OFF, all works OK. But you have Ajax ON and, looking the form, I can see that the Ajax Container is set to #main, but our documentation says this must be set to .elementor-widget-posts

    I can also see that the pagination is also set incorrectly, where you have it set to the default of .pagination a but it must be .elementor-pagination a


    Hi Trevor,

    Just had a reply from Elementor… surprisingly : “we can’t support 3rd-party software…” in stead of helping out.

    Like you said earlier (previous post) i’ve tried to put the code in a text-widget, HTML widget and such, but nothing seems to activate… probably because the widget is not what I should use ?
    (The code element you’re talking about, where could I find that ?)

    “…simply place that on the page…” which page do you mean ? The search page I guess ? And should I open it in Notepad++ for example to insert the code there ?

    I’m so sorry, my brain is starting to play games with me… (green as I am 😉 )

    Whatever your answer will be, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year !

    Kind regards,



    In reply to: Redirect


    since i am no developer, i cannot make my own code 🙁 . but i’ve found that ajax works well too using elementor. i don’t think redirect as a problem anymore.

    thanks a lot. you can close this thread




    I have the Search & Filter pro version but i have problem with Infinite scroll, it doesn’t work :

    > I used the method “Using a shortcode” and results are show
    > All Ajax option are checked
    > I tried all “optionnal” option with different class
    > I used the “Normal” pagination and the normal pagination work (older & newest post)
    > I used the PHP “results-infinite-scroll.php”
    > I used Elementor component on my website (no error in console)

    I can’t give you access to my website because it’s need a special VPN, sorry.

    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2




    The code shown varies from site to site. The bit that will change is this:


    Where the number changes, and you would need to find out (by using the browser developer tools HTML element inspector) what that is for your site/page.

    Where you add the CSS and JavaScript is our choice. On the page in question, you could insert a text element above the grid and paste the script into that.


    Topic: Elementor


    Hi, does the plugin wotk with Elementor (free), or is Elementor Pro required?


Viewing 10 results - 961 through 970 (of 1,069 total)