Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'Elementor'

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  • #200917


    Hi S&F 🙂
    i am trying to filter posts of a specific category by tags. With “no” filter applyed it should show my all posts of the category.

    I cant get it to work, even so i think i did all accordingly to the documentation and forum posts. The Filter of Search%Filter Pro do not get applyed and it only shows the posts according to the “Query”- of the Elementor Post Widget. Heres what i did:

      Created new Search form with Display results method “Custom”.
      Set Results URL to the URL where the Posts Widget is at
      Added “Tag” and “Reset Button” to Searchform UI
      Added a HTML Block on the Page in Elementor saying “[searchandfilter id=”2514″]”
      Added a HTML Block beneath the previous Block on the Page in Elementor saying “[searchandfilter id=”2514″ action=”filter_next_query”]”
      After that comes the Post Widget with a specific class
      Added that class to Display Results->Ajax->Ajax Container and added “.elementor-pagination a” to Pagnation Selector



    We have integration for ACF in the search form (the fields can be found in the Post meta Form UI objects – make sure you select the field name WITHOUT the preceding underscore).

    I do not know if it is possible to display custom fields with the Elementor Post grid. You should ask Elementor support that question.

    Geo location (searching using a zip code for example) is something we are planning to add at some point in the V3 development cycle (but not in the first version of V3). At this point we have not explored integrating with a Store Locator plugin, as that would first need to Geo location functionality.



    Thanks again for your reply Trevor.
    Finally i found that S&F is compatible with Elementor which is already installed in my site and i follow the appropriate steps to get work with the Post Grid.
    The result is excellent but when i choose any choice from the dropdown filters, the grids crashed a little as you can check also.
    So, this is my case now and something else, how can i integrate it with Advanced Custom Fields which i have already installed?

    Thanks in advance.



    No, I didn’t. So, I should have three shortcodes? –
    1.The form shortcode, with the ID number of that form
    2. The filter next query shortcode with the ID number of the form
    3. The Elementor shortcode with the template ID number
    I’ve tried that, but it is still not filtering the results.



    OK that makes sense. I’ve removed the results shortcode, and the error message is gone, but now, when I do a search, it doesn’t filter the results, and returns all the posts. Is there a way to set up a blank page with just the search form, and display the results in a grid? I can get the results to show in a vertical list. Also the meta data for the posts returned just shows Uncategorized and the post date. How do I fix that? As I mentioned I have Elementor installed to display the posts in a grid, so is there a way I can use that?
    Thanks for the quick response.



    If you are using the Elementor method (which, if you are using Elementor is the best way), on the Display Results settings tab, the Display method should be set to Custom, not shortcode.


    In reply to: Problems with menu



    You are not using our integration guide for Elementor?

    The guide is basic but you can extend the idea to grab lost of other data. If you have other filters, then it becomes a little more complex, but I can give you links. This thread might help you:

    … and this search will give similar threads I think:

    Note that (as far as I know) you cannot run PHP in Elementor elements. It has to be inside a PHP template, or inside a shortcode that can run PHP (there are such plugins out there that let you make shortocdes that use PHP).



    I have s&f pro on elementor and I like to show the tags/cats of the filtered results.

    I found this page:
    But the PHP string is not working on my page, I just see a part of the string where I would like to have the meta of the filtered posts.

    Used this code and put it in a text and html field, both same results:

    //grab the active query from our search form
    //replace 1526 with the ID of your search form
    global $searchandfilter;
    $sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(REPLACED WITH S&F ID)->current_query();




    To add the js.

    Add a text block to the page above the post grid. The code you need to paste (copy it from the forum thread, and NOT from the email) into this text block is:

    <script>(function ( $ ) {
    	"use strict";
    	// detects when the ajax request has finished and the content has been updated
    	// re-init the layout scripts from Elementor
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    		elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction('frontend/element_ready/posts.classic', jQuery('.elementor-widget-posts'));
Viewing 10 results - 951 through 960 (of 1,069 total)