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  • #209320

    In reply to: Ajax not working


    Ah, well that would explain it. It is a widget made by Elementor. Is it something I need to reach out to them about?


    In reply to: Ajax not working


    I can see what is happening. The javascript that is styling the menu is also being re-triggered when Elementor runs the Ajax.

    Is the menu made by Elementor?



    At the moment you are using our Shortcode display results method. You have two alternatives:

    #1 Use the Elementor Post grid. Our plugin will integrate with this (to show any Post Type) to allow you to show results in a grid. Our guide for Elementor:

    Even if you do not have Masonry enabled (it might not even be an option), use the guide for Masonry & Ajax, but, instead of this code:

    (function ( $ ) {
    	"use strict";
    	// detects when the ajax request has finished and the content has been updated
    	// re-init the layout scripts from Elementor
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){

    Use this code:

    (function ( $ ) {
    	"use strict";
    	// detects when the ajax request has finished and the content has been updated
    	// re-init the layout scripts from Elementor
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    		elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction('frontend/element_ready/posts.classic', jQuery('.elementor-widget-posts'));

    Note, if you are placing the code inline on the page (in a widget), it needs the <script>.....</script> tags around it. You can often place the form shortcode, the linking filter_next_query action shortocde, and the script all in one text module.

    #2 Use our integration with the free Post Grid plugin. See here:


    In reply to: Ajax not working


    You may need to change the Ajax Container to:

    .elementor-widget-container > .woocommerce

    Once we have fixed this, we need to look at the arrows problem.


    In reply to: Ajax not working


    Here’s a screenshot of how I have my shortcodes setup in Elementor:



    In reply to: Ajax not working


    If you are using this combination, then it should be set up as this post describes:

    And make sure that the Elementor archive template display condition is set to “Shop” and not category



    I’m using Elementor + WooCommerce + s&f pro. I’ve got everything displaying properly however when I select an option in my filter instead of it refreshing my results using Ajax it redirects the page to the category. To see what I’m talking about go to and click on “Acuvue” in the filter to the left. You’ll notice when you select Acuvue it just redirects the page to my Acuvue category instead of just narrowing down my results.


    Thanks for the info Trevor! I was able to get everything showing. I had to set my Elementor archive template display condition to “Shop” instead of category to get it to show correctly.


    I have a Woo Commerce filter set up for within Elementor and the filter is working great. The problem I am seeing is that within the footer I have some nav menus, and the 1st nav menu when the S&F plugin is being used will show all the products in that 1st menu, and not the actual menu I wish to use.


    We have now closed for the day, but can you take a look at Ross’s post on this thread:

Viewing 10 results - 891 through 900 (of 1,069 total)