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  • #224009


    I can see that the form is setup using the Shortcode method. Whilst I know that you are using the jet elements, is there a reason why you did not use our elementor integration method?



    I’ve a website structured with theme JupiterX and Elementor plugin.

    I’ve create a page with post and custom fields (title, time, venue…) and a filter created with plugin named search & filter.

    That’s the page:

    when you make a search (try without filters) appear posts with custom fields empty.

    Thank you.



    To answer the second question first, it is Elementor and Post Grid that handle the ‘No Results’ logic, and they cannot do that, sorry.

    To the buttons. There is some CSS making the text color transparent, but I cannot see where it is coming from. You will need to add some custom CSS in the Theme Customizer, like this:

    .searchandfilter input[type=submit] {
      color: #333;

    I think that the Ajax Container, currently set to #main is wrong.

    Are you trying to make an alphabet (a-z) selection? There are ways to make this so you have only the letter tiles.




    Hello. New to WP and slowly figuring out your plugin. It’s been a solid answer to my filter requirements. Using Post Grid and Elementor, Astra theme.

    The Submit and Reset buttons are grayed out and I cannot see the text. Am I doing something wrong?

    Also, while I have you: Is it possible for NO RESULTS (page to be blank) to be standard when page loads (home page) and only filters posts when checkbox is clicked?




    Hi Polviet

    Sorry for the delay, I was coming back on to this in a couple of hours.

    Some quick replies:

    1) I need the display method the screen shot shows everything below the display method field. I’m assuming it’s custom?

    2) Ok great

    3) Yes please, some logins would be useful. We recommend to create a tempoarary admin account you can later delete – but its up to you how you would provide access.

    In regard to:

    Counting results and displaying the numer of results and displaying information “no results” this is a taks of your plugin – no Elementor.

    I’m afraid this is not correct. When you choose to use Elementor post grid to display results, you choose to let Elementor handle the scenario.

    If you choose display method: shortcode, then you choose to use our plugin to display the results, in which case you edit our template and customise your messages / etc etc.

    If you provide admin details I will take a look to get a better understanding of your configuration so I can advise further.

    In regards to:

    – option “no results”
    – option to count results and show option “displaying X results”

    As I mention, if these two options are not in Elementors post element, then you can’t use them with that.

    However, if you use our shortcode display method, you get both of these, in our default template.

    I hope that makes sense, and if you can provide those logins that would be great.



    In the page. Can you remove the elements marked 1 and 2 (the code in 2 is wrong in any event)?

    Replace the shortcode element at 1 with a Text element. The Text element has Visual and a Text view tabs, so please use the plain Text tab for this content:

    [searchandfilter id="1621"]
    [searchandfilter id="1621" action="filter_next_query"]

    FYI. For a normal Post Grid, it would be this (but I do not think you need this, as you have only one post per row, so the above should be OK):

    [searchandfilter id="1621"]
    [searchandfilter id="1621" action="filter_next_query"]
    <script>(function ( $ ) {
    	"use strict";
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    		elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction('frontend/element_ready/posts.classic', jQuery('.elementor-widget-posts'));

    Any other script that you may have added must be removed.

    In the settings of the Posts element:

    I am unsure if the Include/Exclude Category part should be handled by our plugin and not used in Elementor.



    I added the filter shortcode and according to the URL it is doing something, but the products are not getting filtered. Can I use this filter with any elementor widget that can display products or is it bound to a specific one.
    Please have a look here

    Best, Gabriel



    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    However, from your description, you may be using ‘Tags’ more than once in the form. If you are, please read this post, which is relevant to your situation:



    I am now using Widget Post of the Elementor Pro with all settings as in the following link,

    But, what I have found are as listed below
    – the filter is not functional, eg. date picker
    – Pagination is also not functional as it is supposed to be. To make it clearer, I can click Next or the second page, but the pagination tab itself is not changed (still be number one, on the first page). Because of that, it makes me unable to click on “Previous” button or going back to the first page.

    My website :



    Hi, i’ve just bought the plugin and set it up on a site i’m working one – built with elementor. I have it almost working though i also have categories setup for manufacturers and the products assigned to it. I was wondering how to get this filtering to work as i can only get all the manufacturers to display, not just the ones related to the category that the user is in, so when one of the checkboxes is selected for manufacturer it displays everything by that manufacturer rather than just the products within the current category.

    Here is the demo site

    basically i want it to work like this site –

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