Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'Elementor'

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  • Anonymous

    First of all, thank you very much for the plugin, that’s what I’ve been looking for.

    But I have a little problem:

    I use Elementor Pro, Advanced Custom Fields Pro. I created my own loop template in Elementor.

    If I deactivate Ajax in your plugin, everything works fine. However, if I activate Ajax, then the results are not completely displayed with all fields.

    Here without Ajax (working)

    Here with Ajax:

    Can somebody help me?


    In reply to: SKUs not showing


    At the base of our website it is coming up with the below:
    inside elementor control, the ID = 463 Array ( [tab] => content ) posts ElementorPro\Modules\Posts\Widgets\Posts Object ( [query:protected] => [_has_template_content:protected] => [children:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => [render_attributes:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => Array ( ) [default_args:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => Array ( ) [is_type_instance:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => [depended_scripts:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => Array ( ) [depended_styles:Elementor\Element_Base:private] => Array ( ) [id:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => 871d93d [active_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [parsed_active_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [parsed_dynamic_settings:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [data:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => Array ( [id] => 871d93d [settings] => Array ( [classic_thumbnail_size_size] => medium_large [classic_item_ratio] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 0.71 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [classic_item_ratio_mobile] => Array ( [unit] => px [size] => 0.89 [sizes] => Array ( ) ) [classic_show_excerpt] => [classic_meta_data] => Array ( ) [classic_meta_separator] => /// [classic_read_more_text] => Read More [cards_meta_separator] => • [cards_read_more_text] => Read More » [full_content_meta_separator] => /// [posts_exclude] => Array ( [0] => manual_selection ) [posts_exclude_ids] => Array ( [0] => 23127 [1] => 20949 [2] => 15252 [3] => 13567 ) [classic_alignment] => center [classic_title_color] => #FFFFFF [classic_title_typography_typography] => custom [classic_read_more_color] => #FF6633 [classic_read_more_typography_typography] => custom [classic_read_more_typography_font_weight] => 800 [pagination_page_limit] => 5 [pagination_prev_label] => « Previous [pagination_next_label] => Next » ) [elements] => Array ( ) [isInner] => [widgetType] => posts [elType] => widget ) [config:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [current_section:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => Array ( [tab] => content [section] => section_query ) [current_tab:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [current_popover:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [injection_point:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [settings_sanitized:Elementor\Controls_Stack:private] => [settings:Elementor\Core\Base\Base_Object:private] => )

    When I deactivate Search & Filter – Elementor Extension it goes away however I need this plugin as we use Elementor. Do you know how this can be fixed?



    I’ve attempted to build out a search function to search through properties on a real estate website. When I follow the steps on this page: (, for “Posts, Portfolio, & Product Widgets” when I switch the Query to Search and Filter it removes all the properties and replaces with “nothing found” even though there are no filters applied and there should be content there.

    My post types have been created with Custom Post Types UI plugin and the fields within those were created using Advanced Custom Fields Pro – these are the fields that I need the users of the site to be able to search and filter by.

    What am I doing wrong here? I’ve tried every combination of tutorials on YouTube and your website and nothing seems to filter the results.



    Using a real page, use the Elementor Pro Posts widget (not the archive widget), and on each page, in the form design (two forms, one for each page) in the Tags, Categories and Taxonomies settings, set the Status taxonomy to ‘Include’ either ‘for-rent’ or ‘for-sale’.



    I’m using Elementor Pro with Hello Theme.

    For the Archive page, I’m using S&F form widget and archive posts widget (with loop template) to display the results.

    So I would do the same in the real page?



    I can see that the links are as you say, but the content of post results is controlled by Elementor, and, in your case, as this is a custom skin, I presume by Ele Custom Skins?

    If you edit the Posts widget and change the source to the lolos_professional post type, does the display of the posts change? I do not think that the content issues are related to our plugin, but are something to do with the skin design.


    Even though they are hidden, I can see that the first issue is that you have product category in the form 5 times. This is not allowed, sorry. You need separate custom fields or taxonomies for these fields. See this post for an explanation:



    I am using elementor pro with S&F pro. in this link my form is working fine. But, If i am using custom post by custom skin loop.
    which is in this link
    not working.
    Kindly help me out.




    I can’t, but why is it adding the elementor_library=automation-handling-equipment part?

    I have seen this before, and it happens when the page is not a real page, but not understood why elementor does this instead of using the archive page URL?



    how are you today 🙂

    i am working wit elementor pro & dynamic content (if it help )
    I made loop to show user box area , box content that show suer info (profile name , gallery , avatar…)

    I tried to add -add post and set the seeting but its show my the same user in loop…
    in dynamic content (plugin) they have dynamic user wigget that show what i need but dont get how to connect
    betwin the 2…

    in the top page you see the search filter loop and in the botton you see the dynamic content that i wont to show on search result


Viewing 10 results - 341 through 350 (of 1,069 total)