AuthorSearch Results
September 24, 2020 at 7:50 am #260634
In reply to: Search does not work on mobile phone
TrevorParticipantThe search does not work anyway. I can see that the form/page is not setup correctly. We now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page (which shows how it should be used with the product archives widget, see a little way down the page for specific extra advice when using the product archives widget):
Please read the guide carefully, as the old method that you may have implemented may have used a filter_next_query shortcode, some javascript, and set it to custom mode, none of which are now used (all built in to the extension).
This will require a few changes to the form and the page setup, but will work much better than the way it is currently setup.
But, I do not see what you describe in mobile. Pressing the Pescuisar button reloads the page, it does not go to the Home Page.
September 24, 2020 at 6:18 am #260602In reply to: thrive architect integration
TrevorParticipantWith Elementor, you can create custom post layouts with Ele Custom Skins. The Elementor Text widget has a third content type tab (the others are something like Visual and text), and in the third one you can select all sorts of content, like custom fields and taxonomies, I think). Whilst we do not officially support Ele Custom Skins, it mostly seems to work, except for some more complex content elements.
Please not that I do not use Ele Custom Skins myself, so I cannot advise much past this.
September 23, 2020 at 9:45 pm #260586In reply to: thrive architect integration
AnonymousInactivehi. i understand. thank you.
do you know of any other way i can create a custom post grid with acf information placed where ever i want in each post grid item?
i haven’t found a way to do it with elementor yet and the post grid by pickplugins plugin that you recommend requires the pro version to input acf data (to my understanding).
September 23, 2020 at 3:39 am #260421Topic: Filter on area
in forum Search & Filter Pro
AnonymousInactiveI am building a website with different providers in different areas all over the country. How can I let visitors filter on an area, I am using Advanced Custom Fields & Elementor.
A visitor needs to be able to filter on an area by typing the area, distance, etc…
September 22, 2020 at 3:01 pm #260348In reply to: Filter options for results
TrevorParticipantI am a little puzzled. The sidebar form on the results page is set to Custom. We have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page:
Please read the guide carefully, as the method you have used may differ a lot.
September 22, 2020 at 10:57 am #260302In reply to: Customizing Results
TrevorParticipantPrandam, if the Kadence Theme Pro is a Framework theme (I am not familiar with this theme) then using the ‘As an Archive’ and ‘Post Type Archive’ display results methods may not work for you. This is because many ‘framework’ themes use complex structures of PHP files to create the pages, and do not work in the ‘standard’ WordPress manner (per the WordPress Codex, which uses relatively simple archive template files, such as search.php and archive.php, which can be (are designed/intended to be) modified/modifiable by the user). Thus we find it difficult to hook in to the results query and loop, to control the results shown.
For such complex themes as perhaps Kadence Pro is, you would need to use a Page Builder or Grid Builder plugin to create the search/results page. If you want to code things yourself, you can use our Shortcode method, as it uses a simple results.php template that you can edit/customize (but you may need the help of a third party coder):
Some free page builders (such as SiteOrigin) can sometimes also be made to work, using much the same method as described here for the most likely solution that you might use (a free grid builder plugin):
We also support the much more powerful and very popular Elementor Pro page builder premium (paid) plugin:
Plus we support others like WPBakery Page Builder and Beaver Builder. Some others may also be supported in some way, but ask before committing to using any others.
September 21, 2020 at 8:50 pm #260230In reply to: Total result found with elementor
TrevorParticipantOther than the standard options that come with the Elementor Pro Posts/archives widgets, I am not aware of any way to do this. The display of results is handled by Elementor Pro, not our plugin. If you wish, I can make this a feature request so that we can investigate the possibility, but it is unlikely to be resolved quickly, as we may need to liaise with Elementor and they might need to add code to their widgets.
September 21, 2020 at 3:23 pm #260190Topic: Total result found with elementor
in forum Search & Filter Pro
How do I get the total result numbers found? I use elementor pro.
Thank you.
September 21, 2020 at 2:25 pm #260167In reply to: Category Resetting When I Select Another Category
TrevorParticipantAh, I see the issue. You have used Category four times in the form, and Layout Category twice in the form. This is not allowed. This post explains:
September 21, 2020 at 10:49 am #260112In reply to: Customizing Results
TrevorParticipantThe output, style, layout and appearance of results is handled by your theme, theme archive templates (if your theme uses them), or page builder plugin/functions.
As this varies enormously from site to site, it is not practical to try to make universal examples for you to use.
The simple way to produce a post grid is to use this method:
If you have standard versions of WPBakery Page Builder or Elementor pro, we have extensions and guides for them:
https://searchandfilter.com/documentation/3rd-party/elementor/If you are considering using a Page Builder plugin, but have not yet purchased one, the more flexible (powerful) choice might be Elementor Pro, but your circumstances may dictate otherwise, so please research before making any decisions, as there are many options to choose from.
AuthorSearch Results
Search Results
Topic: Filter on area
I am building a website with different providers in different areas all over the country. How can I let visitors filter on an area, I am using Advanced Custom Fields & Elementor.
A visitor needs to be able to filter on an area by typing the area, distance, etc…
How do I get the total result numbers found? I use elementor pro.
Thank you.