IF you have Elementor Pro, then we now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page (which shows how it should be used with the archives and product archives widgets, see a little way down the page for specific extra advice when using the archives and product archives widgets):
Please read and follow the guide carefully.
Can you build it again, but this time use either the Posts or Archive Posts widgets, as I need to figure where the problem is. We now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page (which shows how it should be used with the archives and product archives widgets, see a little way down the page for specific extra advice when using the archives and product archives widgets):
Please read and follow the guide carefully.
Is the problem in the form or in the display of the results? It looks to be the results display. We do not officially support Dynamic OOO as a third party plugin for Elementor.
Does it work with Ajax OFF?
I added an post type with the CPT UI – wordpress theme;
two new term for wordpress theme :wordpress theme tag, wordpress theme price.
Then I used elementor pro and dynamic ooo to make the archive page.
When using the search filter plugin to add filters for wordpress theme tag and wordpress theme price, the filter results are incorrect.
The page:https://loyseo.com/wordpress-theme/
See attached video for detail.
You have not completed the Results URL, in the first red box in this screenshot:
I have (for now) switched on the second setting in red, for testing. It makes it easy to see in the URL what is being searched for. You can switch it off when we are done.
I have set the page up as it should be, in Elementor, per our guide. On the actual results page, it might not be a good idea to have both the search in the header AND in the page content. They might well conflict.
Hi Trevor,
Thanks for setting that up.
I just went in and updated the settings, using the Elementor integration, as you suggested.
I still do not get any results.
I’ve tried using an Elementor template for my search results, and I’ve also tried using the shortcode that appears on https://crcfl.net/search-results/
Neither seems to work. Please help!
I honestly do not care about using Relevanssi, I just need this search to work with results that actually make sense, but do not include events.
For example, when I search for brain, I should get results about brain cancer.
Thanks for your assistance.
I am not using elementor. Can I do this without it? I currently have the display results method set to post type archive. Is there a reason this is not working?
With Elementor, you can build the archive page using Elementor, and filter that directly with our plugin, no need for a separate results page. However, you can, if you wish, have the form point to a results page.
That page gives me a 404 error (maybe only admins can see it)?
We now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page (which shows how it should be used with the archives and product archives widgets, see a little way down the page for specific extra advice when using the archives and product archives widgets):
Please read and follow the guide carefully.
Hi ,
Is is possible to customize the search box like this site :
if so then how can I do it. I am also using Elementor Pro