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  • #267066


    The Salient version of Page Builder has much code removed (according to them) and so plugins designed to work with the standard WPBakery Page Builder often do not work with their version. You would have to use an alternative page builder to publish the posts, such as Elementor Pro.

    I have also previously tried setting our filter to ‘Custom’ method and placing a filter_next_query shortcode before the grid, which often works in themes, and even that does not work. They do not use ‘standard’ PHP templates in Salient, so there is nothing to edit to add our code.


    In reply to: Elementor w/Astra


    Then you should be using the Elementor Post method, and for that you should be using the extra Elementor Pro extension that can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page).

    Please read and follow the guide carefully.


    In reply to: Elementor w/Astra


    Hi there, yes I have elementor pro



    Looking at your site, you should be using the Elementor Post method, and for that you should be using the extra Elementor Pro extension that can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page).

    Please read and follow the guide carefully.



    We are developing a material library for a client and we are using Hello theme + Elementor Pro as page builder + S&F Pro as filtering plugin. We have everything working, but results display is inconsistent when using pagination. In the fist page respect the posts widget settings, but after going forward and back, the display overrides some display settings.

    Is a bit weird.




    I am not aware of a way to do this, especially in Elementor. It IS possible to fetch the filter settings using PHP, but, if you use Ajax, and the results come from an Elementor Posts widget, then I don’t know any way to update the page outside of that widget content (as your PHP would have to run inside that PHP).

    You could trigger some JavaScript to after our Ajax has finished, using our sf:ajaxfinish trigger, but how you would use that to update other content on the page I do not know. It would likely involve some very complex JavaScript.


    In reply to: Elementor w/Astra


    Do you have Elementor Pro?



    Many thanks Trevor.

    I think I got confused creating too many tests and clearly should have taken a step back and re read the documentation.

    I now have the filters working perfectly using the Elementor Posts widget and Ele custom skin. So all good.

    Sorry to have bother you and thanks again for your patience and help.




    I am using Astra, Elementor Pro, ACF and Ele Custom Skin. I created my loop with Ele Custom Skin and the product archive with Elementor Pro. I am using S&F pro for filtering my products based on ACF-fields. That is working perfekt.

    My question:

    My product archive has of course a page-title and additional a block-template with several content, both I want to make dynamic depending on the search results.

    How can I do that, any solution without coding? And if not… is there a snippet available?

    Thanks a lot.

    Best wishes Birgit


    In reply to: Fatal error


    I see it. That builder we cannot use, sorry.

    We do support some third party page builders, like:

    Elementor Pro
    WPBakery Page Builder (from CodeCanyon)
    Beaver Builder

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