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  • #267484


    Tricia, It would be best to start a new thread about your issue, so we can, if needed, send private replies to each other.

    Brad. I think you should be using the Elementor Post method (but I am not sure if you are, but I think that you are not), and for that you should be using the extra Elementor Pro extension that can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page).

    Please read and follow the guide carefully.



    The extra Elementor Pro extension that can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page).



    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Can you confirm that you are also using our extension for Elementor pro?



    I just created my first filtered menu for a newspaper library.

    I want to show in the website a section where you can see displayed a custom post type with three different filter taxonomies (year, month and number of publication)

    I created a page in elementor and I added to the left column the shortcode of the menu. After that, I displayed the results page with a shortcode also on the right side of the same page (I had to create a “Results page” previously as you explain in your documentation. Everything is working fine and render properly, but I would like the results to be diplayed in a three columns grid (see draft), not like now, where the results page display the image of each custom post in full size.

    I thought it would work to customize the result page in elementor but that did not work. What do you suggest?

    Thanks in advance




    Looking at it in some detail, it looks like your theme Post Archive template has its own Infinite Scroll in place, as the form for that page is set to Normal Pagination, which the page ignores. But, your theme is a framework type theme, so, instead of using a single template for the page, it calls many (a LOT of) PHP files, so hooking in to that would be very difficult.

    For now, the Shortcode method is the simplest solution, short of installing a page builder plugin that we support (like Elementor Pro).

    Do let me know if we can close this thread for now?



    Hi Trevor,

    I’m not quite sure the link you provided is related this this specific issue. I don’t have anywhere elementor running on any part of that page.I tried to play around with the settings from that page but changing the query and settings as per the instructions results in “no results” being shown regardless of the filters.

    To be more clear, on the find-space page all of the filters work properly except for the “taxonomy” filter, which spits out the results in a different format and removes the search bar on the side.

    Is there a place where you set how the results are displayed? Can I have it default to all results displayed with the same template?


    Hi Tervor, thx for the information, I’ve installed the specific elementor+S&F plugin but can’t make it work. As we have a specific post type (Materials) in custom taxonomies, not sure if this suggested setup will work.

    What already worked for us, but with the previously indicated problem, was using the archive method.

    Can you please take a look to the plugin config to see what is wrong?



    I think it works now. You set the Pagination to None in Elementor, and set our form to Infinite Scroll pagination (no container settings needed), otherwise the two conflict.

    The only issue I can see is that the grid uses CSS Grid, and whilst column and row gaps are set, it looks like each block needs 35px of bottom margin setting.

    Also, the No Vessels Found message appears. My guess is that this CSS might fix the first issue:

    .search-filter-results-3196 > .elementor-widget-container > .elementor-posts-container {
      margin-bottom: 35px;

    I am not sure about the message. That might need a coding fix.



    Are you using Anywhere Elementor for this content, as we made some changes in our extension plugin to support that plugin, in v1.0.6 of the extension (which you have). The guide for Elementor is here, and this link takes you directly to the new section on Anywhere Elementor:


    I think you should be using the Elementor Post method (but you are not), and for that you should be using the extra Elementor Pro extension that can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page).

    Please read and follow the guide carefully.

Viewing 10 results - 161 through 170 (of 1,069 total)