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Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'Elementor'

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  • #181448

    Lisa Caras

    Hi there, we had Search and Filter Pro working great on our site, but now we are migrating to a new site where we are using Elementor. I found step-by-step instructions for integrating the the elementor Posts widget by searching “Elementor” in your support forums. I can’t find a standalone URL for these instructions, but you should see them here:

    I believe I followed the instructions correctly, but my search and filter forms do not update the posts listing. Here’s my page:

    I see the same partner list no matter what I select in the search/filter form. Am I missing something in how to configure the Elementor post widget?


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    #1 Make a results page. To do this, add a New Page to your site, give it a suitable title (in my case I will call it Sample Page) and save the page (use the WordPress editor Update button). In my examples I will use an imaginary site called From this page you will need the full URL (in my case it is

    #2 Now create a new search in Search & Filter Pro. Give it a suitable name (in my case I have called it Elementor Test). You need to make the form to suit your needs. To make testing easier, note the settings I have used on my General Settings tab. Also make a note of the forms shortcode ([searchandfilter id="105"] in my example) as you will need this later (yours will have a different ID number):

    #3 Add any fields you need in the form. You can see I have added Categories and Tags, and a Submit button (when you have done testing, you may want to remove this and enable Auto Submit, but that is down to your preference or design needs).

    #4 On the Display Results tab make sure you set the form to the Custom display method, set the full Results URL you had from #1 and set the Ajax Container to .elementor-posts-container as shown here:

    #5 Save the form. Return to the results page and click the blue ‘Edit with Elementor’ button.

    #6 I made the row 25%/75% (1 col : 3col) and in the left column placed a Text Editor element with two shortcodes in (using the shortcode from #2, you need to type in the action part yourself or copy it from here):

    [searchandfilter id="105"]
    [searchandfilter id="105" action="filter_next_query"]

    Again make sure you change the ID numbers!!!

    #7 In the right column I placed a Posts Element (notice I have Masonry off at this point):

    I will edit this post once I have figured Masonry out. We did ask the Elementor support team how the layout was initialized (using javascript):

    They don’t think they do, as you can see from their reply. The above screenshot shows a Masonry option, which is a posts grid initializing javascript. That did not impress me much. I now have to figure that part. I will be back!


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    By integration, yes, I mean that.

    Alternatively, yes, you can alter the HTML and CSS to meet your needs, and sure you do not need to style it in Elementor’s way.



    Thank you Trevor. I actually did see your previous threads on this topic.

    Well, I could certainly help. By integration, do you mean that we can pull up the results through a Post Grid widget on elementor? (Pardon me, if I’m being stupid)

    What do you mean styled similar to Elementor’s? Can’t I adjust a results.php to my liking using generic CSS? Must it match Elementor’s code?


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