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  • #268305


    Did you use our Elementor Extension?

    It can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page):

    Note that we have changed the way we integrate with Elementor, as we used to have a manual method.



    Thanks for your detailed answer. That’s motivating.

    Q2 Make a dropdown multi-select of ‘Eten & drinken‘ and ‘Faciliteiten‘
    A2 You want this to be a dropdown with checkboxes? I think that this too will come in V3

    Yes, that would be exactly what I want, just this example.

    Q3 Use stars in stead of the range-bar, because it’s about review-score. The stars should be colored when you pick them.
    A3 I can only think this would require some custom JavaScript to enable the click on the stars to change the slider (that could be hidden). But to add the stars themselves, again, V3 would make this a lot easier

    I want to filter by clicking the stars in the filter. I’m looking forward to V3 to make this happen.

    Q4 Some space between the dropdown with option ‘Relevantie‘ and ‘Filters wissen‘
    A4 Custom CSS would be needed:

    Works great, thanks!

    With V3, you will have more flexibility to style things using classes, but I am not sure how much control we can give you in the Elementor widget settings. But, something for us to consider.

    If this could be done in Elementor that would be great.
    But if it can be done on the WordPress dashboard that’s also helping.

    A5 You don’t mention the spacing you indicated in the screenshot, for ‘Eten & drinken‘ and ‘Faciliteiten‘, like this:

    .searchandfilter > ul > li[data-sf-field-input-type="checkbox"] > ul > li {
        padding-top: 5px;
        padding-bottom: 5px;

    5px is what it is currently set at, so increase those for more gap, decrease for less gap.

    Perfect, this work great by just changing the padding. Thanks!

    Good luck with the developent of V3.


    i have problem with plugin Search and Filter PRO in my website. I use the Elementor PRo and i need to show Filter results from your plugin in Search reasults page by widget Posts.
    If i to use this widget and i choose the querry section in Edit Panel Posts, the option Search and Filter querry is not show. Can you help me with that? Where is the problem?

    In this video i show the problem:

    Thank you for helping!




    I have create a loop within elementor to be able to customise the way each listing looks.

    I have had this exact same setup on another website and it works fine… i dont understand why it wont work. it must be something to do with the results?

    The Filters and the post widget are both linked.

    If i filter one of the fields then refresh the page, the filters have worked. it just seems to be using the ajax that it doesn’t work?


    The code that causes that warning is being addressed in the next version of our plugin (2.5.3), but I am not sure when that will be released. In the meantime, whilst it will cause that plugin to show that message, it does not cause any functional issues.

    I went to that link, but I do not see the form there. However, as you have Elementor Pro, did you use our Elementor Extension?

    It can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page):

    The issue is likely to be the Results URL on the Display Results settings tab of the form, pointing to the wrong URL.



    Do you have Elementor Pro, and if so, did you use our Elementor Extension?

    It can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page):

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look? Can you also send me temporary WordPress admin logins (ones you should later delete or disable) for the site so that I can look at the setup? Please use a Private Reply.




    I have set up filters etc using Elementor.

    When I select an option from the dropdown menu, all my results vanish. If i refresh the page the results then show up as they should?



    Our designer gave me a product category design that has filters such as size and tags on the left sidebar and sorting on top of products.

    Is it possible to create two search forms for same product archive, or how do I accomplish this?

    I’m building the site with Elementor.


    Hi Rami

    I see that now (it wasn’t showing me this before, only “edit with Elementor”)…

    I’ve just requested access to your google doc.

    Can you tell which group is working with this shortcode?

    [group type="groupes-network-city"]

    I don’t see the group from your screenshot in the list.




    Great to speak with you. Hopefully, Anywhere Elementor will do what you need. If not, start a new thread, as I will close this thread for now.

Viewing 10 results - 141 through 150 (of 1,069 total)