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  • #270348


    Thanks Trevor.
    In meantime I have found that I need extension for Elementor Pro.

    Could I ask you to help me about styling in CSS. I have three components, search and dropdown menu and found the solution how to put them horizontally but I need to spread width of each of them and button submit is to small, how to increase them ?



    The form is not correctly setup for Elementor Pro as it is set to Custom display method.

    We now have a free additional extension for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page:

    Please read the guide carefully, as the old method you may have used would have a filter_next_query shortcode, some javascript, and set it to custom mode, none of which are now used (all are built in to the extension).

    This will require a few changes to the form and the page setup, but should work.



    I worked it out – you need to set it to Elementor explicitly in the form settings.
    If your replies weren’t marked as private, I might have been able to find the info quicker and solve it without commenting.



    We have a free additional extension plugin for Elementor Pro, which you should download (if you are logged in) from top of this guide page:

    Please change the setup of the form and Post widget according to that guide.



    I have spoken with our developer who tells me that we do not officially support Infinite Scroll with Elementor (we will add this after we release V3 of our Pro plugin early next year), but he says it can usually be achieved, IF you can figure what these should be set to:

    Post / Result Selector
    Infinite Scroll Selector (must be INSIDE the search-filter-results selector, which you should be able to see in the source HTML)

    However, we cannot guarantee it can be made to work.



    5) is it possible to set 2 or more filters to be horizontal next to each other, aligned to the center of the block in Elementor? I tried to set the horizontality using CSS you recommend, but the Price range filter is narrower and not very useful. screenshot

    6) how to turn on Scroll window to Top of Page (Window) on Pagination? I set it but after clicking on the next page it will not return to the top of the page. screenshot


    Aaron, that method is not reliable.

    Are/were you using the additional extension plugin for Elementor, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file)?



    Are you using the additional extension plugin for Elementor, which can be installed after clicking the big blue button (you need to be logged in to see it) at the top of the guide page (to download the installation file)?



    1) I added a Price range filter to the page, but nothing is filtered. I use Woocommerce and Elementor Pro and I don’t see the “Search & Filter Query” option in Elementor > Query > Source, I also don’t see the “Elementor Post / Product / Portfolio Widget” option in the filter settings in the Display results method. My website. This is how I set it up:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

    2) Does the Price range filter also take into account the values of Regular prices and Sale prices when using the meta key _price? Or how to set it to take into account when filtering prices that when a product has a Sale price, it has a value in the Sale price field that is lower than the Regular price?

    3) How to add Sale price checkbox to filter only products with Sale price?
    4) How do I change the appearance of filter buttons and sliders?

    Thank you.


    I am having the same issue as this closed thread:

    No combination seems to work of Ele custom skin – Elementor and WooCommerce.

    So the setup is ele custom skin is used to make a loop template – product archive uses Elementor Pro post widget set to current query. If I use the free search and replace plugin this kinda works OK.

    Most times I get a 502

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