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  • #189426


    The key is to find out what the masonry function is that does this. You can get some ideas from the documentation relating to Elementor (i will not all be applicable, as it is specific to Elementor Pro, but some of what is there will be relevant):

    The code you see about Masonry and Ajax would have a similar solution, replacing this line:


    With whatever your theme does to initiate Masonry.



    It is possible that elementor is overriding this choice. Are you able to figure what sort order (post date, title, etc) is being used?




    I followed the documentation here:

    and I created an archive page for my CPT

    It look like the search input works ok (although there is an issue with Ajax – disabled it for now)
    but Sort order sims to not function as expected..
    Please try to filter and see by yourself in the above link..




    Just an after thought, would the pagination then be:

    .elementor-element-d17816e.elementor-pagination a



    So, the Ajax Container is normally:


    but in your case it might need to be:


    The pagination MIGHT also need changing, but I cannot see that on the page.



    I’m having a problem where I have a customer references setup with Elementor Pro + Search & Filter Pro and in the footer of the page there is another Elementor posts widget showing the latest articles.

    Now when I filter the references (custom content type) it also changes the output of the articles widget at the footer of the page…

    Also I’m using checkboxes and for some reason if I check one checkbox all the other options disappear until I uncheck the checked checkbox




    Hi Trevor
    sorry for the late replay
    I’ve fixed the issue and now the site is open for everyone to view, even if you are not logged in
    I’ve also changed the Pagination Selector to ‘.elementor-pagination a’ but those problems still pressist
    can you help me?
    whats the next step?



    Did you use this method with Elementor:


    I’m Using:
    Wordpress, WooCommerce, Elementor Pro, Anywhere Elementor, custom taxonomy, and SearchandFilter Pro.

    I have my product page set up custom through Elementor and the only thing on the page template is a filter form set up for only products and to display results on the woo commerce shop.

    I set up 7 custom taxonomies to make filtering easier. they show up in the filter form. but the problem is no matter what I select it doesn’t actually filter anything.

    It was working before but then I added some more inventory and tried to restyle some things and now nothing is filtered, in addition to that the filters themselves don’t reflect that they’re working together (i.e. if I select something that should filter it down to 5 products then go to another filter it will show me results based on all products not just the 5 filtered products).

    I completely wiped the template clean and tried to rebuild it to the original functionality but that doesn’t seem to be helping either.

    … please help.

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