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  • #190880


    Elementor use javascript to work out heights, and needs to do so each time the results are updated. Whilst that posts relates to pagination, the javascript I posted (different from our documentation) is what does the re-calculation of heights.



    Are you using the method described here:

    We have just addressed some issues with this method, so the change is not in that documentation. See this post for details:



    If you are using this code from our documentation:

    (function ( $ ) {
    	"use strict";
    	// detects when the ajax request has finished and the content has been updated
    	// re-init the layout scripts from Elementor
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){

    It needs to be changed to:

    (function ( $ ) {
    	"use strict";
    	// detects when the ajax request has finished and the content has been updated
    	// re-init the layout scripts from Elementor
    	$(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
    		elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction('frontend/element_ready/posts.classic', jQuery('.elementor-widget-posts'));

    Can you try that?


    Hi Ross
    as far as i know i’m not using any special/not ordinary elementor widget

    about the slick.min.js ..I wish i could verify this with someone at elementor team but right now i can only guess
    and my guess is slick.min.js has something to do with elementor slider
    so may be the reason you are not seeing this console error in your local installation is because you didn’t put any slider in the same page with the search from and results

    again.. I’m just guessing may be i’m totally wrong and it has nothing to do with it

    any way ..whats our next step?
    isn’t there a way to makeelementorFrontend.init(); to apply/target only the post grid (and that way, if my guessing is right about the slider, it will help us avoid the error)?

    since i purchased elementor pro i can try reach out to elementor support
    they might wont agree help fixing other plugins related problems but they might do agree on answering some technical questions you want me to ask them something?



    I am using elementor pro posts widget with two search forms at the same time due to aesthetic reasons.
    It appears to me they are both working independently and not as one since every time I press one it resets the other search box.
    My objective is to have a search bar at the top and a categories bar at the bottom. Then on the sidebar I will have my filters… tags, etc.
    So the user will search for something and get all the results. Then he will use categories and then use the sidebar to filter down to the item he wants.

    Also after my first search no matter what I search or filter afterwards it breaks the height of my search boxes

    The example can be found on my website

    Any advice is greatly appreciated!


    Hi Doron

    It seems something has changed in Elementor.

    I’ve contacted the the people over there and I’m waiting to hear back, in the meantime I’m trying to work around it and figure out a code snippet to provide you.

    I’m hoping tonight / tomorrow for a temporary fix.





    I seem to be having problems with pagination on my site using Page Builder Framework & Elementor Pro.

    I have followed the documentation here and the results display fine but every time i click the next button at the bottom of the displayed results noting happens.

    Any ideas where i may have gone wrong?




    1. I would like to display my results (an the list of options before I get results) as 3 in a row. I am working with elementor pro.

    2. When I make a search form with extra taxonimies I get an error message of no results.


    Hi Ross

    1) WP and all the plugins are up to date

    2) Done, I’ve left only Elementor, Elementor Pro, S&F, and Relevanssi on and disabled all other plugins than refreshed the home page several times and went to the second page of the results but the problem didn’t go away
    page one of the results is still not clickable – just like you said (and I can see it when looking in Chrome inspector) – the pagination thinks the current page is 1 even when you moved on the other pages

    3) I’m already using Twenty Seventeen as my theme so no need to switch to default WP theme


    Hi Doron

    It sounds like the pagination thinks the current page is 1 even after clicking other numbers (the current page should not be clickable which is why 1 is not clickable).

    Can you ensure the following before I investigate from my end:

    1) Update WP, plugins, themes and of course S&F
    2) Disable all unnecessary plugins to see if something is interfering (ie, leave just Elementor, S&F, and whatever plugins you may need to create custom post types, taxonomies, custom fields etc)
    3) Test on a default WP theme (with Elementor of course)

    If the issue still persists then I’ll try to recreate locally, that being said though, I’m not having any issues in my current dev environment.


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