Forums Forums Search Search Results for 'Elementor'

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  • #191732


    Sorry, but I did not understand how to implement the plugin
    this is my problem
    1. I have built a custom product archive page using Elementor + AE anywhere. that means that it is not
    Elementor post widget!
    2. in the sidebar of this page I have the search & filter forms with tags and category checkboxes
    3. I have built several archives templates for category, tags, and search, using the product archive design
    4. when submitting the requested checkboxes – I am landing at a page with proper results but no design at all
    5. I please need a detailed explanation on how do I get the results to go to the right archive.

    thanks, guy



    The shortcode to display the form would look like this:

    [searchandfilter id="1198"]

    The filter_next_query shortcode then links that form to the results grid. For Elementor please make sure you use this method:

    and note a change to that guide, which hasn’t yet made it to our documentation:




    I’ve installed and configured the plugin and I am using Elementor Pro to try and display the results but I cannot even see the search bar.

    I’ve created a search form as I want to filter by tags and have users select multiple ones. I created a new page and inserted the shortcode [searchandfilter id=”1198″ action=”filter_next_query”]

    I then added a sidebar to the page and used the widget to display the form but only the title is showing. I used a custom result set and pointed the url to the page where i want the results displayed. I am using the Posts Grid element from elementor pro to display learndash courses in a grid and want a user to be able to filter them selecting multiple tags.

    Thanks for the help.



    It may be necessary to:

    1. Set up a specific page in Elementor as the search results page
    2. Remove their standard search widget from the design and create another search form (in S&F) that has just the search box, using the Custom method, Ajax off and the URL of the new search results page).


    I am using elementor pro and follow your tutorial to put a search and filter widget in search page. Everything is working fine except one.

    User come to search page after searching something let’s say “wordpress”. On the search result of “wordpress” but as soon as user clicks on any filter, “wordpress” is removed from filter list and only the filter item available in “search and filter” shown on the page.

    How to correct this behaviour, before this module I was using wpsolr and search page was working fine.


    I have been trying to select only specific type of posts in the search from the settings where is says include/exclude and it would not work (search&filter pro settings).
    Then I used the query in elementor posts to select the type of posts I want but now the search does not work at all. It worked by filtering the post type properly but then the search no matter what I do comes back the same. I then restored the settings to the original but the search still does not work properly
    Please check link above to see how it behaves
    Any reason behind this?
    What can I do to fix this?



    thanks so much for the info. I also managed to fix the height of the results as I wanted by using CSS code height:250px for the post grid items

    so lastly to finalise the error you are mentioning on your page…

    at the bottom of the website referenced above you mention some JS error. I do not see it. Does that mean I do not see it on my computer but others may see it on mine? I mean I do not want others to receive an error when there is no results. Or is my setup okay from what you can see?

    Thank you



    In that case there is nothing in our plugin that can help you you handle ‘No results’. You need to explore how Elementor handles it when the grid has no posts to display.



    No results is handled by Elementor. Does your search have a text search box?



    Hi Trevor
    I have been trying for an hour to paste this function to functions.php of my oceanwp theme but will not work.
    Can you please help?

    Also another question; in your instructions of setup you mention that no matter what I do there should always be results in my elementor posts widget with search&filter pro combo or else I will get an error. I do not see an error actually. It just returns an empty page. Is that okay?

    Thank you

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