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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Site navigation disappears when search results are shown


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  • Neal Burns

    Hi! This plugin is great! Just bought the Pro Version!

    I am having an issue with my site navigation (top right) disappearing when the Search Results load.

    Example – Try searching for 3 bedrooms here:

    It appears as if the results load within the same page with many elements hidden, but I need to “unhide” my top navigation which is contained in a widgeted area called Header Right.

    It would also be great to direct the search results to a designated page. Is this possible, or will they always load within the same page using the designated template?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Neal

    I think this is happening because the plugin is loading a template you do not intend for it to use..

    Make sure you have the tick box in your settings that says “use custom template” ticked, and the filename search.php

    If the results still don’t look as you want, try changing the template name to archive.php or index.php and see if those templates are more suitable?

    Search results do not go to a specific page, but you can set the slug in the settings panel, such as search-results and then the search results will be at their own specific URL like:


    Let me know if the above works for you!

    Neal Burns

    Hey Ross – Thanks for the speedy response!

    I’ve replaced the template with archive.php (search results didn’t show) and index.php (which showed results, but the top nav still disappears).

    The source code shows that the nav elements are not loading. No nav list items appear in the code in the search results page…

    Any other ideas?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Neal

    It sounds like your sidebar is being loaded in conditionally?

    Do you have a sidebar manager or a plugin which will specify which pages will show the sidebar (ie nav)?


    Neal Burns

    There is no Sidebar Manager in place. When I assign the navigation to the theme’s primary navigation location, it still disappears when Search Results are shown.

    Is the Search & Filter plugin set to hide/disable the loading of certain elements when results are shown?


    Ross Moderator

    Hmmmm it definitely does not do anything to do with showing or hiding anything on the page… I looked at the source too and and the HTML is not even being output…

    So the only thing I can think is, how is the navigation being generated? Maybe there is a conflict somewhere…

    Can you send me your login details so I can take a look?


    Neal Burns
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    Ross Moderator

    Hey Neal

    It seems that when there is a query on the meta data that the nav dissapears, but category search etc seem to work find! Right now I have no idea why… I’ll need FTP access to edit the plugin files to test… :/

    Neal Burns
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Neal Burns

    Hi Ross,

    I’ve been working a bit on the site, and I hope I didn’t overlap or undo any of your testing parameters.

    I really only updated one of the listings and worked on the stylesheet, but when I load the home page in Safari, the page constantly refreshes. If I remove the Search & Filter plugin, the home page loads fine. You may be aware of this, but I just thought I’d point that out in case it’s a clue to the menu disappearance issue.


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