Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Different layout for search results on page 1

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  • Anonymous

    Hello SF Pro team,

    I am very happy with the pro version of your plugin but I have a layout issue I would need your help on.

    I use shortcodes to diplay results and form on my site: (scroll down until feeds section). Before using the filters and navigation buttons, my posts display perfectly, but once I use either the filters or the navigation buttons, the two divs of my post display one above the other instead of next to each other.

    Could you help me to fix it?

    Many thanks for your feedback asap on it,



    You are using floats on the panels and these need to have widths (e.g. 50%). Is the image supposed to be to the left or right of the title/content etc.?


    The image is supposed to be on the left. All the posts should look like Patagonia, Starbucks and UEFA before you used the filters.


    Ah, but that was why I asked. In Firefox, on page opening, they (the images) are on the right.

    But, you are working with a customised results.php template, so, as I said, you need to use CSS to add a width to the panels (I would suggest 50%?).


    Sorry ! They are supposed to be on the right. Could you tell me which code to write in custom CSS to achieve so?

    Many thanks


    So, on the panels at the moment they are both set to float: left;

    Are you able to past your results.php template contents here (or put it on a file sharing site like dropbox and give me the link)? If putting code here, can you put it inside back ticks (the angular quote marks on the key next to the 1 key on most keyboards)?

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